VINEXPO: Online wine sales to remain “marginal” – Vinexpo chief

Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon Von Sigi HissPremium_small, am 29. Juni 2009 08:47

Sophie Kevany - The head of the world’s largest wine trade show has dismissed the internet as a marginal sales platform.
“It is not a circuit for wine sales, the internet will always be marginal, and it will stay that way,” Robert Beynat, chief executive of the bi-annual Vinexpo, held this week in Bordeaux.
Beynat predicted wine web sales might reach 8% of global sales, at most, and said it would never be an alternative to traditional sales circuits. A study by Bordeaux Management School, released during the five day show, found web wine sales growing by 30% per year.

It estimates French online sales will reach EUR237m this year, up from EUR176m in 2008. Global sales were almost EUR3.6 billion last year. BEM ranked US site as market leader, with second and France-based Vinatis third.



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