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Suckling: Spectator split was 'amicable'
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 20. July 2010 06:42

James Suckling by Adam Lechmere - James Suckling's departure from Wine Spectator was 'totally amicable', the critic said today.

Speaking from Los Angeles, the highly-respected critic told decanter.com he left the magazine which he helped found to 'pursue other projects'.

'You get to a point where you say “Now what?” I worked at Spectator for 30 years and it's been great. Now I've got some cool projects for the future.' Suckling would not be drawn on what those projects are, though they include 'a lot of public speaking in Europe and the Far East' and new ways of distributing his tasting notes.


Shock as Suckling leaves Wine Spectator
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 20. July 2010 06:31

by Adam Lechmere - In a move which has shocked the wine world, James Suckling has left the Wine Spectator. The departure of the respected wine critic, who joined the US magazine in 1981, was announced yesterday, setting bulletin boards and blogs buzzing with rumour and speculation.


French wine centre planned for Beijing
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 20. July 2010 06:25

by Maggie Rosen - A French wine culture centre is planned for Beijing and may be open before the end of this year.French politicians have met several times – most recently yesterday - with a delegation of Chinese private investors, according to French newspaper Sud Ouest.


Positive Halbjahresbilanz für das Weinland Südafrika
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 20. July 2010 06:21

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Während die Experten noch dabei sind, den erzielten Wert für Südafrika als Gastgeberland des 2010 FIFA World Cups™ zu errechnen, zieht Südafrikas Weinwirtschaft bereits eine positive Bilanz. Im Zeitraum Januar bis Juni 2010 erzielten Südafrikas Flaschenweinexporte, trotz des weiterhin starken Rands und der weltweiten Rezession, ein Absatzplus von 4 % im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum.


New Cru Bourgeois classification: date for launch
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 15. July 2010 12:48

by Adam Lechmere – The new ‘Reconnaissance de Cru Bourgeois’ classification will be announced on 23 September. Bordeaux’s Cru Bourgeois Alliance has put together a radical new ‘benchmark’ system of rating wines for the new Classification. The classification has been mired in controversy since it was updated in


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