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decanter.com: Koch vs Greenberg – Trial heats up as ex-employee takes stand
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 04. April 2013 08:54

By Chris Mercer - Greenberg’s ex-house manager sides with Koch in court as wine fraud trial looks set to over-run.

Bill Koch

Heated exchanges have so far marked the wine fraud court battle between collectors Eric Greenberg and billionaire William Koch in New York, as the case looks set to run into next week.

Antipathy between the two men was ratcheted up further this week as Greenberg’s former house manager, Jaime Cortes, gave evidence as a witness for Koch.

From the witness box, Decanter.com understands from a source watching the proceedings that Cortes made clear that there was little love lost between himself and his former employer, who he labelled a ‘tyrant’.

He confirmed that he had referred to Greenberg as an ‘a**hole’ in a previous email, the court heard. Cortes also made reference to his ex-employer’s aggressive behaviour, and suggested that Greenberg intimated he would try to pass suspect bottles on to somebody else after being made aware that he might have counterfeits in his cellar.


DWI – Rotweinbereitung Video
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 04. April 2013 05:24

EU-Mittel stehen für Hagelversicherung im Weinbau zur Verfügung
Passfoto_zoom3_icon From Franz Aregger, at 03. April 2013 13:44

Winzer, die das Ernterisiko durch den Abschluss einer Hagelversicherung für ihre bestockten Rebflächen mindern wollen, können Unterstützung aus einem EU-Programm erhalten. Darüber informierte gestern Thomas Griese, Staatssekretär im Weinbauministerium. Die Höhe der Unterstützung beträgt 40 Euro je Hektar, jedoch höchstens 50 Prozent der tatsächlichen Kosten.

Die Abwicklung wie Antragstellung und Bescheidung der Fördermaßnahme erfolgt durch die Kreisverwaltung, die für den Betriebssitz zuständig ist. Antragsformulare und das dazugehörende Merkblatt können von dem Internetangebot des Weinbauministeriums herunter geladen werden oder sind bei den Kreisverwaltungen erhältlich.

Die Antragsfrist für eine Unterstützung im laufenden Jahr nach diesem Programm endet am 15. Juli 2013 (Eingang aller Unterlagen bei der Kreisverwaltung). Versicherungsunternehmen können bei der Antragstellung behilflich sein. (PD)

DWI – Grüne Lese Video
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 03. April 2013 08:42

decanter.com: Paolo Basso crowned world’s best sommelier
Img_3280-klein_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 03. April 2013 08:36

by John Stimpfig - Paolo Basso has beaten off competition from 53 other hopefuls to be named Best Sommelier in the World.

Paolo Basso DWWA Judge 2013

The 47-year-old Swiss-Italian was crowned champion at the 14th finals held by Association de la Sommelerie Internationale in Japan. The global contest takes place every three years.

Veronique Rivest of Canada and Aristide Spies from Belgium were named as runners-up to Basso, making Rivest the first woman to achieve a top three finish.

Only 12 sommeliers made it through to the semi-finals, including the UK’s Eric Zwiebel, of the Summer Lodge in Dorset, and Turkey’s Isa Bal, of the Fat Duck.

‘It was very hard and only gets tougher and more pressurised when you get to the finals,’ said a delighted Basso, who was presented with silver jeroboam engraved with his name for winning the three-day event.

Basso received his trophy from Benoit Gouez, chef de cave of Moet Hennessy, alongside his wife and daughter in front of a 4,000-strong audience and live on Japanese television.


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