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Madeleine Gay: Geburtstagswein der NZZ am Sonntag & Ehrenrebstock
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 03. May 2012 08:42

Madeleine Gay vinifiziert den Geburtstagswein der «NZZ am Sonntag» Die «NZZ am Sonntag» feiert dieses Jahr ihr zehnjähriges Bestehen und entschied, diesen Anlass mit einem besonderen Wein zu begehen. Die Wochenzeitung wünschte,  zusammen mit einem Walliser Produzenten zwei qualitativ hochstehende Crus zu schaffen. Nach Degustationen bei sechs möglichen Lieferanten wurden die Kreationen von Madeleine Gay für diese exklusiven, «L’Esprit du Dimanche» genannten Flaschen ausgewählt.> Artikel NZZ am Sonntag vom 18. März 2012
Heida: Der Ehrenrebstock 2012 geht an Madeleine Gay. Am Samstag, 28. April 2012, überreichte die Heidazunft von Visperterminen Madeleine Gay, Winzerin des Jahres 2008, den Ehrenrebstock 2012. Die bekannte Provins-Önologin wird damit Besitzerin einer Rebe im höchsten Weinberg Europas. Dieser Preis belohnt den unermüdlichen Einsatz von Madeleine Gay für die Verteidigung der autochthonen Walliser Rebsorten.> Für zusätzliche Informationen über die Heidazunft

decanter.com: Bordeaux 2011 – Releases rush expected after quiet start
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 03. May 2012 08:34

by Jane Anson in Bordeaux – After a temporary pause for the first of the many May bank holidays in France, the en primeur campaign is expected to recommence with a flurry of releases today. By the end of the week, most observers believe, the 2011 campaign will have either sunk without a trace, or found its feet, all depending on whether chateaux take seriously the need to drop prices.


decanter.com: Chateau Montus suffers 50% hail damage, Bordeaux flooding
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 03. May 2012 08:31

by Panos Kakaviatos, and Jane Anson in Bordeaux – Chateau Montus, one of the leading chateaux in the Madiran appellation, was severely struck by hail on Sunday rain in st emilionevening – while Bordeaux suffered rainfall two-and-a-half times the average. Hailstones of up to 1.5 centimeters in diameter pelted the communes of Castelnau-Rivière-Basse and Madiran, ‘destroying a large part of vines,’ local newspaper SudOuest reported.

At least 50% of vines at the 85ha property were hit, owner and winemaker Alain Brumont said, with some plots losing up to 95% of their early-season shoots and buds, causing around €3m damage. In total, around 200 hectares of AOC Madiran were affected, with around 70ha almost destroyed. Further serious hail was reported in the AOC Côtes de Gascogne.

The 2012 vintage is expected to be reduced by at least 30% across both Montus and Brumont’s other wine, Torus. Prices, Brumont said, can be expected to rise for Montus up to around €400 per bottle.

The hail was part of a stormy weekend that shook the southern half of France. On Saturday 28 April the French weather station Météo France placed nine departments on alert for high winds in a zone stretching from the Alps in the Massif Central.

Eastern Bordeaux, particularly Castillon and parts of Saint Emilion, saw widespread flooding, after one of the wettest and coldest Aprils on record.


www.vievienum.at – Das neue Rahmenprogramm – frisch und gehaltvoll
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 02. May 2012 08:51

 Auf der VieVinum 2012 zählt das neu konzipierte Rahmenprogramm zu den Highlights der diesjährigen Ausgabe. Wer sich vorab dafür anmeldet, erhält den vergünstigen Eintritt um nur € 29,- statt regulär € 40,- .

Thematisch feinste Auslese

Das neue Konzept des Rahmenprogramms gleicht einer gelungenen Cuvée. Es vereint innovative Darbietungen namhafter Winzergruppen und traditionelle Verkostungen, wie jene des Instituts of Masters of Wine (IMW) oder des Fachmagazins Vinum. Von gebietsübergreifenden Sortencharakteristika über aktuelle Trends in der Weinstilistik bis zur Bedeutung von Signaturweinen reicht der thematische Spannungsbogen.


decanter.com: California grape prices rise
Passfoto_zoom3_icon From Franz Aregger, at 02. May 2012 08:44

by James Lawrence – Californian grape prices are expected to rise significantly this year as demand continues to exceed supply, although talk of a crisis is overstated, say industry insiders. A surge in demand for grapes and wine in Californian’s North Coast region has led many wineries to enter long-term contracts with growers, to ensure a stable supply of fruit for the next several years.

Grape prices have risen as much as 30% in some vineyards and appellations during the past six months, John Wilkinson, a member of the board of directors for Napa Valley Grapegrowers and owner of Wilkinson Family Vineyards, told Decanter.com.


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