Lightest wine bottle launched in UK

Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi HissPremium_small, at 28. January 2010 16:18

The world’s lightest wine bottle will hit the shelves in UK supermarket Tesco this week. Tesco is using the 300g screwcap bottle, produced by Manchester-based independent wine supplier Kingsland Wines and Spirits, for its own label Australian non-vintage red. At 300g, the lightweight bottle uses nearly 30% less glass than the average wine bottle, creating less carbon emissions.

The Co-operative supermarket is also in talks with Kingsland over using the bottles, which have the same impact resistance as a standard 420g bottle.
‘We believe this bottle will become the future not just for UK filled wine, but also as a guide for global production,’ said Kingsland supply chain director Michael Ford.



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