New Riesling 'taste profile' introduced in US

Alexandra_flemmingw_icon From Alexandra Flemming, at 17. February 2010 13:34 - By David Furer

More than 12 million bottles of Riesling sold in the United States this year will feature a 'Riesling Taste Profile,' designed to help consumers assess the taste of a bottle before opening it.

Divided into the four categories of Dry, Medium Dry, Medium Sweet, and Sweet, the profile aims to make consumers aware of the range of styles Riesling can be made in.

The profile was created by the International Riesling Foundation (IRF), a non-profit industry group formed to promote the white wine grape, after market research found that most consumers identified Riesling as 'a sweet white wine.'

Wineries in the five largest Riesling-producing US states have signed up to the scheme, along with producers from other countries including Germany and Canada.
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Nicolas Quillé of Washington's Pacific Rim Winery has been using the scale on his back labels since late 2008 and has seen business grow 50% in 2009.

'Confused consumers do not buy,' he told




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