Chateau Phelan Segur sells vineyards to Montrose

Passfoto_zoom3_icon From Franz AreggerPremium_small, at 31. March 2010 13:54 by Jane Anson -Thierry Gardinier, owner of Chateau Phelan Ségur in Saint Estèphe, has sold 22 hectares of his property to neighbour Martin Bouygues of Chateau Montrose.

The properties are located next to each other, but Montrose is a second classified growth, and Phélan Segur a former Cru Bourgeois Exceptionnel (from the now defunct 2003 classification).

Bouygues has bought plots of Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc, increasing the Montrose holdings from 67ha to 89ha.

Director Jean Delmas, formerly director of Chateau Haut Brion and now of Chateau Montrose, told, 'The plot that we have bought was once part of Montrose, until the end of 19th century. The terroir is superb, on the top of the Montrose hill, and next year we hope to be able to include it in both our first and second wines.'
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Construction billionaire Bouyges has been in the mood for expansion recently, buying several plots of vines from the appellation with his brother Olivier, which have been used to increase the size of his other Saint Estèphe property, Chateau Tronquoy Lalande, taking it up to 30ha.

Phélan Segur is now reduced from 90ha to 68ha.




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