Quinta de Gomariz triumphs at Vinho Verde awards

Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi HissPremium_small, at 04. June 2010 11:39

Quinta de Gomariz Tina Gellie in Porto – Quinta de Gomariz, in Portugal’s northern winemaking appellation of Vinho Verde, has swept the board at the region’s annual awards.

The 27ha estate in the Ave sub-region took six golds and two silvers – almost a medal for every line they made in 2009 – and all the more impressive given that Quinta de Gomariz has only been selling its wines since the 2005 vintage.

Owner Manuel da Silva Correia de Sá was on hand to receive the swag of globe-like trophies to add to a cabinet already bulging with gongs from previous years’ events and from others around the world. Decanter’s Tina Gellie was one of six foreign journalists, representing Vinho Verde’s key international markets, invited to the gala evening at Porto’s grand Pálacio da Bolsa, the 19th century stock exchange.

She and judges from Brazil, Canada, Germany, Norway and the US blind-tasted the 21 gold medal and 18 silver medal wines – representing all grape varieties and styles, including sparkling, rosé and red wines – to award five special Best of Vinho Verde awards.

The region’s appellations body, the Comissão de Viticulture da Região dos Vinhos Verdes, has held the awards for the past 25 years, but 2009 marked the addition of an international jury to the judging panel.

Consultant winemaker for Quinta de Gomariz, António Sousa, who also advises 14 other wineries in Vinho Verde, was modest in his contribution to the estate’s success. ‘It is the grapes that do all the hard work,’ he said, emphasising his aim to highlight the diverse flavour characteristics of the region’s varieties.

Beyond the familiar Alvarinho and Loueiro, Vinho Verde produces quality whites from Arinto, Avesso and Azal, rosés from Espadeiro and Padeiro and reds from Vinhão.

Picture: Manuel da Silva Correia de Sá, the owner of Quinta de Gomariz, receives one of his two Best of Vinho Verde trophies awarded by an international jury, which included Decanter’s Tina Gellie (second from right). Also on stage to celebrate the quinta’s haul of 6 gold and 2 silver medals were (from left) Bruno de Castro Almeida of the CVRVV, Luis Lopes of Revisita de Vinhos and other members of the international jury: Marco Merguizo (Brazil), Brenda McMillan (Canada), Michael Cervin (US) and Tor Frostomo (Norway)

For the full list of winners, visit www.vinhoverde.pt

Best of Vinho Verde 2010 Awards
Casa de Vilacetinho, Arinto
Corga da Chã, Arinto
Quinta da Levada, Azal
Quinta de Gomariz, QG Avesso
Quinta de Gomariz, QG Branco (Alvarinho and Trajadura)

Quinta da Gomariz won Gold medals for:
QG Avesso
QG Branco (Alvarinho and Trajadura)
QG Loueiro
Estate Branco (Alvarinho and Trajadura)
Estate Espadeiro
Estate Alvarinho

Quinta da Gomariz won Silver medals for:
Estate Loueiro
Estate Padeiro




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