GEORGIA: EU, Georgia agree wine deal

Markus_schmidli_icon From Markus SchmidliPremium_small, at 02. August 2010 09:04
EU, Georgia agree wine deal

The EU has agreed to recognise the unique status of 18 Georgian wine names in return for Georgia respecting the protected name status of famous European wines, from Champagne to Chianti.

Under the terms of the bi-lateral deal, announced today (29 July), wine firms operating in the EU will have to respect 18 Geographical Indications (GI) on Georgian wines.

Protected Georgian wine names include Khvanchkara, Tvishi, Kindzmarauli, Saperavi and Mukuzani.

At the same time, Georgian wine producers will not be allowed to sell sparkling wine labelled as Champagne on their domestic market. Other European wines with GI status are also covered by the deal.

The agreement forms part of the European Commission’s strategy to export its GI system via bi-lateral deals with non-EU countries.

By seeking bilateral deals on GI status, the European Commission hopes to protect some of the EU’s best-known products from copycats, particularly in emerging markets.

Earlier this month, China agreed to introduce legal protection for the GI status of Scotch whisky.



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