Decanter: fails to deliver top Bordeaux

Markus_schmidli_icon From Markus SchmidliPremium_small, at 04. January 2011 11:46

by Jim Budd- Dozens of orders, mainly from the 2003 and 2005 Bordeaux vintages, have been left unfulfilled by internet wine merchant There is also now growing evidence that the company is failing to deliver some 2007s.

Following complaints from readers, can reveal that there are over 55 cases known to be outstanding as of 15 December. Although it appears only 18 bottles from 2006 are outstanding, eight cases of 2007 have not been delivered including six cases of 2007 Carruades de Lafite, for which five clients are waiting.In June and July this year, asked for a delivery charge of €58 per case on the Carruades, promising delivery within three weeks. Despite several subsequent promises of imminent delivery, the five clients are still waiting.

Carruades, the second wine of Chateau Lafite, has rocketed in price, mainly because of its popularity in China. In June 2008 offered it for €480 a case. The wine now fetches more than €3,500.

Fabien Hyon, COO of, said the company had had ‘troubles processing all orders in due time’ but has promised that the six cases of 2007 Carruades will be delivered by the end of this month.

‘You can be sure these cases will be solved by 31 December 2010, as it is just matter of focus.’

Similar promises have been made before: in January 2009’s founder and president, Emeric Sauty de Chalon, wrote to all customers expressing his regret at poor service and promising all outstanding orders would be fulfilled in the next few weeks.



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