Decanter: Sylvie Cazes to manage all Roederer Bordeaux estates

Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi HissPremium_small, at 09. February 2011 07:13

by Jane Anson in Bordeaux-Sylvie Cazes is to become managing director of all Louis Roederer properties in Bordeaux, has learned.

Cazes, who was last week appointed as managing director of Chateau Pichon-Longueville Comtesse de Lalande, has confirmed that her new role will also see her take over properties including Chateau de Pez and Chateau Haut Beauséjour in Saint Estèphe, Chateau Bernadotte in Haut Médoc, and Château Réaut la Gravière in AOC Bordeaux.

Cazes will continue to play a supervisory role with the Cazes family estates, including Chateau Lynch Bages and Chateau Ormes de Pez, as president of the Advisory Board. Her shares in the family estates remain the same.

‘As a neighbour, Pichon Comtesse is of course a property that I have always admired,’ Cazes told, ‘it’s a magnificent estate, with an incredible history, and this role is a dream.’

‘I have also been a long-term neighbour of the Rouzaud family in Saint Estephe (with Ormes de Pez and Pez),’ explained Cazes, ‘and my brother Jean-Michel is a long-term friend of Jean Claude Rouzaud (the father of current owner Frederic).

‘As family groups heading up historical wine estates, we have always shared a philosophy that is respectful of the quality and traditions of these chateaux, and of what they represent to Bordeaux.’

Cazes will also continue as president of the Union des Grand Crus de Bordeaux, with her role assured until the next elections are held in June 2011.



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