Football: Ornellaia is the wine of champions

Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi HissPremium_small, at 13. April 2011 09:45

Sir Alex Ferguson and Carlo Ancelotti declare their passion for the Bolgheri red

This evening, you can be sure that at least one bottle of Ornellaia will be opened in the greater Manchester area. Whatever the outcome of the on-pitch game between Chelsea and Manchester United, the after-game winners will be celebrating with this great red wine, given that both teams’ trainers, Carlo Ancelotti and Sir Alex Ferguson, are on record as having a preference for the iconic Bolgheri wine.

“If we win, I’ll be toasting with Ornellaia,” Carlo Ancelotti declared to Sky Sport a few days before the Champions League game against Manchester United. Knowing his rival shares his passion for it, Ancelotti made a generous gift of a bottle of Ornellaia to Ferguson that day. Ferguson himself was quoted in the Gazzetta dello Sport as being a fan of the prestigious Rosso di Bolgheri wine.

Ornellaia was first bottled in 1985 and is the mascot of Tenuta dell’Ornellaia estate, located in the province of Livorno on central Italy’s Tuscan coast. This wine has swept a host of awards on both sides of the Atlantic, including Wine Spectator’s Best Wine in the World in 1998. Last month it also scooped Der Feinschmecker’s top slot as a Wine Legend at the 2011 Wine Awards in Cologne.

Sir Alex Ferguson and Carlo Ancelotti are themselves no strangers to awards: their joint wins total 60 trophies.

Whatever happens on the pitch tonight between Manchester United and Chelsea, you can be sure that Ornellaia will make it into the semifinal. To find out who’ll be drinking it, keep your eyes on the ball.

Tenuta Dell’Ornellaia’s vineyards extend over a surface of 97 hectares on the Tuscan coast, just a short distance from the medieval hamlet of Bolgheri and the renowned ‘Viale dei Cipressi’. The unending work of the team and the perfect microclimatic and geological conditions produced, in the space of 20 years – 1985 was the first vintage – wines capable of winning international recognition.



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