News von der Az. Agr. BRESSAN

Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel MerzPremium_small, at 05. August 2011 08:10
With the present to inform you that we have finally released our PINOT NERO 2006 and VERDUZZO (DRY) 2007… available also in MAGNUM (1,5L) format…
This summer we have bottled 2666 bottles of SCHIOPPETTINO 2005 and all of them are sold already. As many of you knows these were the only 2000 litres we produced in the winery in 2005. At the end of August 2011, we plan to bottle our SCHIOPPETTINO 2006 already.
As we announced in our previous newsletter – in June 2011 we have released our new wine – ROSANTICO  … ROSANTICO is a Moscato Rosa (Pink Moscato) made dry. That is an antient and nobile variety brought to Friuli during the epoque of Austrian Empire… it became very rare today due to its very reduced productivity and lots of difficulties during the grape development. Only 2000 bottles were produced on 1 hectare and at the moment about 400 bottles are available yet. This is another small jewel that we have add to BRESSAN collection and we are very proud of it. I attach the technical sheet of this wine.
We accept the orders for September / October already in order to offer to our clients the best possible service also during the harvest time.
Some sad news: two weeks ago all the district of Gorizia (Friuli) was struck by hail which took away about 40% of the fruit of our work in the vineyards made of sacrifies and hard everyday work. What shall we say?… We depend on the nature in our work… and we respect it also in this form as probably or for sure it makes people pay for their egoism and voracity… Anyway we expect the physiologically correct harvest time as only healthy and ripe grapes, picked and selected by hand (only in our vineyards) can give us Great Wine – the only wine we wish to continue to make… without compromise… for us first of all… as we believe in what we do… and for you, of course… as the emotions that our wines are able to comunicate and that you comunicate to us is our biggest sasifaction.
Thank you
With best regards
Fulvio & Jelena Bressan
Jelena M. Bressan
cell. +39 – 328 – 8512070

c/o Fulvio L. Bressan
cell. +39 – 338 – 6083895

Az. Agr. BRESSAN Nereo
BRESSAN Mastri Vinai in
Via Conti Zoppini, 35
34072 FARRA D’ISONZO (Gorizia)
Tel. +39 – 0481 – 888131
Fax +39 – 0481 – 889824
E – mail:



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