Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate lobt erstmals Schweizer Winzer

Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi HissPremium_small, at 27. March 2013 08:32

4 Betriebe wurden gelobt – Gantenbein erhielt 91 Punkte! Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate gehört zu den wichtigsten und einflussreichsten Weinbewertungen international. Neben Robert Parker selbst verkosten unter seiner Ägide eine Reihe von Top-Weinjournalisten regelmässig die Weine der bedeutendsten Weinbaugebiete der Welt. Erstmals wurden auch Weine aus der Schweiz verkostet und zwar von David Schildknecht und Neal Martin

In seiner ersten Publikation «Best of 2012» lobte David Schildknecht die Güte folgender vier Schweizer Winzer:


Über Blaise Duboux und seinen Dézaley 2010, Haut De Pierre Vieilles Vignes steht in Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate: 

«Where they’re famous for Chasselas – the only place – is in Switzerland’s Vaud, whose steep, towering terraces along the North Shore of Lake Geneva can in the best instances yield whites of distinguished subtlety. They are low-acid – usually undergo “malo” – yet leave you groping for mineral descriptors that do them justice, as well as for another glassful of something so instantly refreshing. The extremely insightful, articulate Blaise Duboux and his 2010 Dézaley – Haut De Pierre Vieilles Vignes won’t let me rest.»


Über den 2010er Tinello von Barbara Kopp von der Crone steht:

«Fruit intensity without the least bit of superficial sweetness; carnal depth; myriad floral and mineral nuances; and sheer mouthwatering savor make this lean, downright refreshing 100% Merlot from glacial moraine in Switzerland’s southernmost village, Pedrinate, a wine that can change your mind about many things!»


Über Pierre-Luc Leyvraz und seinen St-Saphorin 2007 Les Blassinges ist zu lesen:

«Vaud veteran Pierre-Luc Leyvraz renders a single Chasselas bottling from a mosaic of parcels, committing a number of winemaking fashion faux-pas along the way. He showed me a remarkable vertical, so while you might want to look out for the vibrant and succulent 2010 that has recently been imported, I’ll single out here the 2007 St-Saphorin Les Blassinges whose silken amalgam of almond, quince, green tea, iris, and honeysuckle has haunted me ever since.»


Und über Robert Taramanaz der Domaine des Muses schreibt David Schildknecht:

«There are few bottlings that I would want to see young Robert Taramarcaz of the Domaine des Muses relinquish, whether his Chardonnay, Fendant Marsanne, Païen or Petit Arvine; his Cornalin, Gamay, Humagne, Merlot, Pinot, or Syrah. Wine after wine, with few exceptions, this vintner displays an intuitive yet investigative sense for the potential of his grapes and sites, allowing them to speak with eloquence in a conversational (as opposed to overwrought or overly-stylized) tone. You’ll be happy you sought out the small quantities of these that have recently started to reach our shores.»


 Wine Advocate Mitarbeiter Neal Martin verkostete Gantenbeins 2009er Pinot Noir und bewertete ihn mit 91 Punkten. Sein Kommentar:

«I have admired the Pinot Noirs from Martha and Daniel Gantenbein for many years, ever since being served a vintage blind and finding it equal to many a top Burgundy. Their 2009 has an intense bouquet of dark cherries, shellfish and hints of blackberry leaf that are plush and open. The palate is well-balanced; although blind against the Chambertin Rousseau it is clear that it does not posses the same precision and delineation. However, i fit is purity you are seeking, then this Pinot has it all with a sweet ripe, slightly piquant finish that lingers in the mouth. This is a great Pinot Noir, although I have encountered even better from this superb estate. Tasted November 2012.»



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