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decanter.com: Bordeaux 2011: Sauternes surprised by ‘earliest ever’ harvest
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 06. October 2011 09:32

by Panos Kakaviatos – Vintners in the celebrated sweet wine growing regions of Sauternes and Barsac are amazed at how Climensearly the 2011 harvest has been.

Climens: ‘earlier than 2003′

‘It is the earliest I have ever seen, with a very sudden spread of botrytis,’ consultant Denis Dubourdieu of Chateau Doisy Daëne in Barsac said. ‘I cannot recall a harvest that ended before October.’

At the neighbouring Château Climens


decanter.com: Sotheby’s fails to sell dozens of lots as Asia market ‘stabilises’
Markus_schmidli_icon From Markus Schmidli, at 06. October 2011 09:30

by Richard Woodard

Sotheby’s failed to sell dozens of lots in its latest two-day wine sale in Hong Kong – indicating a ‘stabilisation’ of the market, the auction house’s head of wine said. Sunday’s Finest and Rarest Wines sale, in which 59 out of 821 lots went unsold, was the first auction not to sell out entirely since Sotheby’s entered Hong Kong in 2009.


decanter.com: Suduiraut launches Sauternes for younger drinkers
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 06. October 2011 09:28

by Richard Woodard – Château Suduiraut is aiming to breathe new life into the Sauternes category with the launch of a new Les Lions de Suduirautsweet wine aimed at younger drinkers.

Les Lions de Suduiraut, which makes its debut this month, is described as a ‘classic Sauternes’ produced from hand-picked grapes affected by noble rot, but is also said to be ‘fresher, fruitier and more vibrant’ than its traditional counterparts.

The first wine available is from the 2009 vintage, a blend of 96% Semillon and 4% Sauvignon Blanc, bottled at 14.3% abv and with 134g/litre of residual sugar.

The bright gold label of Les Lions de Suduiraut is another break with the usually restrained Sauternes packaging, using a label which features the rampant lions of the château’s crest.


decanter.com: Chinese wine buyers highly wired – survey
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 05. October 2011 09:56

by Richard Woodard – Chinese wine consumers use the internet and social media to source information far more than their winechinawestern counterparts, according to new research.

Three quarters of wine consumers surveyed by research company Wine Intelligence said they often go online to look for wine information, with 62% frequently using social media as a source.

These ‘highly wired’ consumers are far less likely to rely on the recommendations of shop staff (32%) or word of mouth from friends and family (39%).

Wine Intelligence said the research, taken from interviews with more than 1,000 Chinese upper middle class drinkers of imported wine, offered a ‘dramatic’ contrast with western countries, where word of mouth is considered far more important.


decanter.com: Beaujolais in major appellation shake-up
Nadia_schmidli_icon From Nadia Schmidli, at 05. October 2011 09:54

by Jane Anson in Bordeaux – Over 40 Beaujolais communes have lost the right to label their wine as Burgundy.morgon

Morgon: not affected (image: bowlerwine.com)

This follows a decision taken on 28 September by the INAO, the wine appellations governing body, after a three-year process in which the geographic zones governing Burgundy and Beaujolais appellations have been redrawn.

Although Beaujolais producers have had the right label their wines Burgundy since 1937,


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