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Sigi Hiss: 8 wunderbare Weine
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 02. February 2011 08:26

Sigi Hiss – Ein Kurzbericht über eine Best-Bottle-Feier, ja Feier! Die Weine waren feierlich gut & die Spender hatten Freude & Genuss pur. Denn keiner entsorgte irgendwelche halb verwesten Kellerleichen. Keine Mumien in Flaschenform. Die Weine sind diesmal anonym, vielleicht erkennt ja der eine oder andere, einen der Weine.

Viel Spaß beim Lesen.

Anonyme Flaschen

Decanter: Lalande-de-Pomerol estate bought by state-owned Chinese company
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 02. February 2011 08:26

by Jane Anson in Bordeaux -Philippe Raoux, owner of Chateau d’Arsac in Margaux and viaudwine tourism complex La Winery, has become the latest Bordeaux winemaker to sell property to a Chinese buyer. He last week completed the sale of his 20-hectare Lalande-de-Pomerol estate, Chateau Viaud, to Cofco, a company 100% owned by the Chinese government, following almost three years of negotiations.


The sale price of Viaud was not revealed but one hectare of vines in AOC Lalande-de-Pomerol is worth on average


Decanter: Humbrecht – Alsace needs sweetness code
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 02. February 2011 08:26

by Richard Woodard- Alsace ‘absolutely’ needs a system to help consumers navigate the wildly varying levels of sweetness found in its wines, according to Olivier Humbrecht MW.


Interviewed by Andrew Jefford in the March issue of Decanter magazine, the head of Domaine Zind-Humbrecht nonetheless warns against trying to over-simplify the region’s notoriously complex range of wine styles.

‘Maybe it would be easier to say to Alsace producers – okay, nothing but dry wines,’ Humbrecht tells Decanter.

‘But it would be to throw the baby out with the bathwater… Simplifying to that degree means depriving ourselves of some of our greatest wines.’


Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 02. February 2011 08:26

 Jürg Richter – Auf Grund der grossen Nachfrage und des wunderschönen Ambiente habe ich mich entschlossen, den Sauternes-Brunch auch dieses Jahr wieder im gleichen Rahmen durchzuführen: “Liquid gold / Flüssiges Gold” in Form von 20 reifen, alten oder einmaligen Sauternes kombiniert mit einem wunderbaren Brunch-Buffet:

Termin: Samstag, 20. März 2010
Ort: Hotel Drei Könige (Les Trois Rois) in Basel
Zeit: 11.00 – ca. 14.00 Uhr


Decanter: Koch settles suits with Zachys, Chicago Wine Company
Markus_schmidli_icon From Markus Schmidli, at 02. February 2011 08:26

by Adam Lechmere, and Maggie Rosen- Billionaire collector Bill Koch has settled his

Jefferson bottle

lawsuits with Zachys Wine Auctions, and the Chicago Wine Company, out of court.

Zachys and Chicago Wine Company have agreed to amend the ‘disclaimer’ language in their auction catalogues.

Zachys said in a statement, ‘We are committed to preventing the sale or auction of counterfeit wine. Furthermore, we support Bill Koch’s extensive efforts to rid the fine-wine market of counterfeiters.’

The terms of the agreements have not been published.

Koch filed the lawsuit against Zachys in 2007, asserting that in a 2005 Zachys auction he spent US$370,000 for what he thought were rare Bordeaux wines, but he later found that some bottles were fake.


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