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Lasst uns Schweizer Weine geniessen !
Noimage_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 17. August 2012 14:17

Erstmals findet die VINEA, der Salon der Schweizer Weine, an zwei Tagen statt, nämlich am Freitag, 31. August und am Samstag, 1. September jeweils von 11h00 bis 19h00. Während diesen zwei Tagen bietet sich den Besuchern die rare Gelegenheit, sich auf eine faszinierende Reise durch die Schweizer Weinwelt zu machen. Rund 150 Winzer werden ihre besten Weine in den Strassen von Sierre präsentieren. Die 19. Ausgabe von VINEA richtet sich aber auch vermehrt an die Vertreter der Schweizer Weinbranche. Eine Podiumsdiskussion zu den Herausforderungen, denen sich die Schweizer Winzer künftig stellen müssen, um ihren Platz im stark umkämpften Markt zu behaupten, rundet das Rahmenprogramm ab.


decanter.com: Cloudy Bay unveils Otago Pinot Noir
Noimage_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 16. August 2012 14:05

Cloudy Bay Te Wahi 2010

The first vintage of the new wine, Te Wahi 2010, will be available to taste at the annual World Pinot Noir tasting on 8 September in Marlborough, the LVMH-owned winery said. ‘After 27 years of producing wine in Marlborough, we felt at liberty to explore further afield and create a different expression of Pinot Noir,’ said Cloudy Bay winemaker Nick Lane.
‘This is not simply a “marketing cook-up”, but an opportunity for us to expand into exciting new territory.’ Cloudy Bay started working with growers in Central Otago in 2009, sourcing fruit from three hectares of vineyards in the region, and hopes to acquire its own vineyards there by 2013.


Lane told Decanter.com  that the wine will typically spend 14 months in 40% new French oak, with no more than 1,000 cases released each year, at an expected retail price of NZ$70-80. Australia and New Zealand are key launch markets for the 2010 vintage, along with the UK. Cloudy Bay is also examining the possibility of acquiring Pinot Noir vineyards in the Martinborough region in the near future.

‘Sourcing quality fruit in Marlborough is becoming increasingly difficult due to intense competition for vineyards. If we want to produce more quality Pinot Noir, then we may need to look further afield,’ Lane admitted. The release date for Te Wahi 2010 is yet to be confirmed. www.decanter.com


decanter.com: Champagne growing season worst in decades
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 16. August 2012 14:02

by Giles Fallowfield – Champagne has had the worst growing season for several decades Champagne 2011 harvestand the prospects for the 2012 harvest look increasingly bleak.

Even with improved weather in the run-up to harvest, expected to start around 20 September, yields will be significantly down on recent years with frost, hail, protracted and uneven flowering and problems with disease all having an adverse effect. Frosts in mid-April destroyed nearly 10% of the appellation’s crop, with losses as high as 40% in some areas.

A severe hailstorm in early June in the Cote des Bar affected nearly 1,000 hectares of vineyard, with some producers losing everything and the damage estimated to have cut the 2013 harvest by one-third as well.


decanter.com: Gallo swoops for Courtside Cellars
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 14. August 2012 13:32

by Richard Woodard -Wine giant E&J Gallo is to buy the Courtside Cellars business to feed growing demand for wines from California’s Central Coast.Courtside Cellars, California

The company said the purchase, for an undisclosed sum, would include Courtside’s 12-year-old winery at San Miguel, capable of crushing 60,000 tons of grapes, along with 34 acres of land – but not the company’s original facility in San Luis Obispo.

‘We’ve been expanding our presence in the Central Coast over the past few years and consider the region to be a key part of our premium wine strategy moving forward,’ said Roger Nabedian, senior vice president and general manager of Gallo’s Premium Wine Division.

‘We are excited to have this highly capable winery to support our Bridlewood and Edna Valley Vineyards businesses.’


734 Weine ausgezeichnet: 251 Mal Gold an der Internationalen Weinprämierung Zürich 2012
Img_3280-klein_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 14. August 2012 06:19

Die Internationale Weinprämierung Zürich 2012 (IWPZ) bestätigte sich an ihrer 19. Auflage als bedeutendste Prüfung des internationalen Angebots auf dem Schweizer Markt. Mit 2308 Weinen aus allen namhaften Anbaugebieten Europas, Asiens, Afrikas und der Neuen Welt wurde das Rekordergebnis des letzten Jahres praktisch egalisiert. Fünf Weine holten sich mit dem Grossen Golddiplom die höchste Auszeichnung. 245 von der Jury als «hervorragend» beurteilte Gewächse verdienten sich ein Golddiplom. 483 Weinen wurde mit dem Silberdiplom eine «sehr gute Qualität» attestiert. Als Veranstalter des Wettbewerbs, der für in der Schweiz tätige Weinproduzenten, Händler und Importeure offen ist, zeichnet die Expovina verantwortlich. Die Jury arbeitete unter der technischen Gesamtleitung von Hans Bättig, Dipl. Ing. agr. ETH, Weinkonzepte, Luzern.


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