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VDP: „Große Weine – Große Kunst“ am 3. September 2012 in Berlin
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 21. August 2012 10:17

Das vinophile Kunst- und Kulturprogramm ist abrufbar

Ein unvergesslicher und vor allem kurzweiliger Abend steht allen Wein- und Kunstinteressierten am Abend (18 – 22 Uhr) des 3. September bevor. Nicht nur beste Deutsche Weine aus den Kellern der VDP Prädikatsweingüter erwarten die vinophilen Kunstfreunde, vielmehr soll auch das Wissen um Kunst und Wein an diesem Abend abwechslungsreich vermittelt werden. Ein mit Liebe zum Detail zusammengestelltes Kulturprogramm, das von Führungen durch die Gemäldegalerie mit dem Direktor der Gemäldegalerie persönlich, über den professionellen Weinparcours und Vorträgen hin zu uraufgeführter Musik und Theater reicht, umrahmt die (W)Einladung in die Gemäldegalerie.

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decanter.com: Patrick Ricard dies
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 21. August 2012 10:15

>by Adam Lechmere – Patrick Ricard, the man who transformed his family company into one of the world’s biggest wines and spirits empires, has died aged 67.Paul and Patrick Ricard

Paul and Patrick Ricard in 1992
According to a brief statement from Pernod Ricard, he died on Friday at Sainte-Anne hospital in Toulon, France after what is thought to have been a heart attack. No further details were given.
‘The staff of SA Paul Ricard as well as the 18,000 employees of Pernod Ricard group share the grief of the family,’ the company said.

A respected and much-liked figure, Ricard spent his entire professional life with the firm founded in 1932 by his father Paul Ricard, who concocted a recipe for an anise-flavoured pastis at his kitchen table.


Weintrauben können Sonnenbrand bekommen
Noimage_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 19. August 2012 15:25

Würzburg – Ob Dürreperioden, Frostnächte im Frühling oder Hitzewellen – extremes Wetter macht den Winzern immer wieder zu schaffen. Derzeit fürchten die Weinbauern die Hitze.
«Wenn es extrem heiß und extrem trocken ist, können die Trauben einen sogenannten Sonnenbrand bekommen», sagte Hermann Mengler, Fachberater für Kellerwirtschaft und Kellertechnik


decanter.com: Wine grape ‘bible’ poised for publication
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 17. August 2012 14:22

Richard Woodard – A 1,200-page guide to the world’s wine grape varieties, billed as the most comprehensive ever published and co-authored by Jancis Robinson MW, Wine Grapes, by Jancis Robinson MW et alis published this autumn.

The heavyweight tome, Wine Grapes, weighs in at 3kg and has an equally hefty price tag – £120 – but gives the low-down on all 1,368 wine grape varieties currently in commercial production.

Robinson shares the writing credits with long-time assistant Julia Harding MW and Dr Jose Vouillamoz, a Swiss botanist and grape geneticist who has worked extensively in the field of grape DNA profiling.

Wine Grapes aims to pinpoint where wine grapes are from


decanter.com: Ayala president Herve Augustin resigns
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 17. August 2012 14:20

by Giles Fallowfield – Herve Augustin has resigned from his post as president of Champagne Ayala and will leave the company at the end of September. Herve Augustin has been credited with restoring the image of Ayala (Photo: Giles Fallowfield)Outgoing Ayala president Herve Augustin

Augustin has recently overseen a restoration of Ayala’s fortunes and of the image of the brand, which had fallen into decline in the 1990s, leading the house to its best financial performance in many years in 2011. He was appointed by former Bollinger president Ghislain de Montgolfier – now joint president of the CIVC (Comite Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne) – when Bollinger’s holding company, Societe Jacques Bollinger (SJB), purchased Ayala from Belgian financier Jean-Jacques Frey in January 2005.


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