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ProWein 2012: Peter Gago von Penfolds erhält den Winemaker’s Winemaker Award
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 08. March 2012 12:32

Der Preis ehrt herausragende Persönlichkeiten in der Weinindustrie – ausgewählt von einem internationalen Gremium von Winemakern, dem Institute of Masters of Wine und der Fachpublikation the drinks business.

Spitzenauszeichnung für das australische Premiumweingut Penfolds auf der weltweit größten, jährlich stattfindenden Weinmesse: Das Institute of Masters of Wine, das renommierte britische Bildungsinstitut für den Weinhandel, und the drinks business, Europas führende Fachpublikation in der Getränkeindustrie, haben Peter Gago, Penfolds Chief Winemaker, zum Winermaker’s Winemaker gekürt.

Das Institute of Masters of Wine und the drinks business


Österreich: Weinernte 2011 – Höhere Ernte – geringerer Lagerbestand
Noimage_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 08. March 2012 12:27

Wien - Auf einer nahezu unveränderten Fläche von 43.800 ha wurde laut Statistik Austria im Jahr 2011 (Stichtag 30. November) eine Weinernte von 2.814.800 hl eingebracht. Der Produktionsschnitt der letzten 5 Jahre wurde damit um 18% übertroffen, die extrem schwache Vorjahresernte wurde um fast 1,1 Mio. hl (+62%) überschritten. Auf Weißwein entfielen 1,9 Mio. hl (+25% zum Fünfjahresschnitt) und auf Rotwein 964.400 hl (+5% zum Fünfjahresschnitt).


decanter.com: Australian imports up, exports down, winemakers unfazed
Noimage_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 08. March 2012 12:18

by Adam Lechmere – Australian wine imports increased significantly while exports fell last year – and there was a marked increase in the value of domestic wine sales.Australian Shiraz

While the volume of Australian wine sold in the domestic market fell by 1.5%, the value of domestic sales surged by 9.8%, prompting some winemakers to welcome what is certainly an increase in quality of the domestic product.

At the same time, Australia imported more wine than ever: 67m litres worth AU$470.7m, an increase of 4.2% in volume and 2.6% in value compared with the year before.

Exports last year fell: 746.6m litres were exported worth AU$1.9bn, Australian Bureau of Statistics figures released yesterday show.


decanter.com: Pinguet leaves Domaine Huet in shock resignation
Markus_schmidli_icon From Markus Schmidli, at 08. March 2012 12:13

by Jim Budd – Veteran Loire winemaker Noel Pinguet’s sudden resignation from Domaine Huet was over differences with the owning family, Decanter.com has learned.Pinguet

Pinguet’s unexpected resignation, submitted last October and finalised this month, comes just three years before his official retirement.He has been in charge of the great Vouvray estate since 1976, and it was planned he should remain until 2015, when he would be 70.Domaine Huet is the most celebrated Loire producer, and the only one from the region ever to have headlined a Christie’s auction, in 2004.

Sarah Hwang, daughter of Anthony Hwang who bought the estate from the Huet family in 2003, has been appointed president with her brother Stefan as managing director.

Anthony Hwang is a Chinese American businessman who also owns the Tokaji estate Királyudvar. The legendary Gaston Huet, who had established the domaine’s reputation, died in 2002.

Sources close to Pinguet told Decanter.com


decanter.com: New Zealand heading for shortage in 2012
Nadia_schmidli_icon From Nadia Schmidli, at 08. March 2012 12:11

by Rebecca Gibb – New Zealand expects a small 2012 vintage, which is likely to put the Fairhall Downsbrakes on its decade-long growth spurt.

The industry is predicting crops could be as much as 30% lower compared to 2011′s 328,000 tonne harvest.

A lighter crop could lead to a grape shortage, which marks a massive turnaround for an industry that has been burdened by oversupply since 2008.

Stuart Smith, chair of industry body, New Zealand Winegrowers, told decanter.com: ‘I expect that the vintage will be around 300,000 tonnes. However, even if we had a 328,000 tonne harvest like last year, we would still be short by about 10%. We now have very low stocks on hand and export sales are growing at a good rate.’


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