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VDP: Die Prädikatsweingüter begrüßen drei Neumitglieder
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 06. January 2012 09:10

Mit dem Weingut Kranz/Pfalz, dem Weingut Markgraf von Baden und der Weingut Heitlinger GmbH/Baden zählt der VDP 196 Weingüter -

Pfalz, Baden: Seit dem 1.1.2012 freut sich der VDP über gleich drei neue Mitglieder: das Weingut Kranz aus Ilbesheim/Pfalz, das Weingut Markgraf von Baden aus Salem und die Weingut Heitlinger GmbH aus Östringen/Baden. Auf der ProWein 2012 können die Weine der neuen VDP-Mitglieder von den Fachbesuchern erstmals verkostet werden. Mit dem Weingut Kranz besteht der Regionalverband Pfalz nun aus 26 Mitgliedern, der Regionalverband Baden wächst auf 18 Mitglieder an. Im Bundesverband zählt man 2012 nun 196 Mitgliedsbetriebe.


decanter.com: Giulio Gambelli dies
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 06. January 2012 09:08

by Adam Lechmere – Giulio Gambelli, one of the giants of Tuscan wine, has died at the Gambelliage of 86.

Gambelli – who was known as Bicchierino (or ‘Little Glass’) – was celebrated as one of Italy’s greatest connoisseurs of Sangiovese, and recognised as a superb taster.

He was born in 1925 in Poggibonsi in Siena, and joined Enopolio de Poggibonsi, which was then one of the largest wineries in the region, at the age of 14 as a cellar hand.

At Enopolio his tasting skills came to the notice of its director, Tancredi Biondi Santi, who took him on as his assistant in the company’s laboratory, where Gambelli started a lifelong study of Sangiovese.

In a career spanning nearly 70 vintages Gambelli’s most renowned consultancies were with the Brunello di Montalcino of Soldera and Chianti Classico of Montevertine, but his importance was as an unwavering proponent of the use of the Sangiovese grape as a


decanter.com: Margaret River ‘should be protected’ says minister as coal application dismissed
Markus_schmidli_icon From Markus Schmidli, at 06. January 2012 09:06

by Richard Woodard – Plans to develop coal mining in Australia’s Margaret River wine region have been rejected – but Margaret Rivercampaigners fear their fight is not yet over.

Bill Marmion, Environment Minister for Western Australia, dismissed an application from LD Operations, acting on behalf of partners Vasse Coal and South West Coal, for the black coal operation.

The announcement follows more than a year of campaigning from local groups, who feared the Vasse Coal project at a site 15km from Margaret River might threaten local water resources.

In rejecting the application, Marmion said the project was likely to pose ‘significant impacts or risks’ to two aquifers, adding: ‘Margaret River


decanter.com: Two new American Viticultural Areas (AVAs) have been approved
Img_3280-klein_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 06. January 2012 06:52

by David Furer – Two new American Viticultural Areas (AVAs) have been approved.Naches Heights

Image: Naches Heights

Naches Heights, located on a volcanic plateau west of Yakima town, will become Washington state’s 12th AVA in January.

The area is dominated by two organic and biodynamic growers, Naches Heights Vineyard and Wilridge Winery & Vineyard.

Paul Beveridge of Wilridge Winery & Vineyard told Decanter.com that both he and Cline intended to use the Naches Heights AVA name on their labels and were looking at marketing options to promote the region.

‘While the large Columbia Valley AVA is characterised by river valleys shaped by the ancient Missoula floods, Naches Heights is located above on a million year old Andesite lava flow from the Cascade Mountains that was never inundated by the floods,’ he said.


Deutsche Weinmosternte leicht über Durchschnitt
Nadia_schmidli_icon From Nadia Schmidli, at 06. January 2012 06:38

Laut Statistischem Bundesamt belief sich die vorläufige Weinmosternte 2011 auf 9,6 Millionen Hektoliter und lag damit um 2,6 Millionen hl (36%) über der historisch niedrigen Ernte des Vorjahres. Die durchschnittliche Erntemenge der letzten 10 Jahre, die bei 9,3 Millionen Hektoliter liegt, wurde um 3 Prozent übertroffen. Der durchschnittliche Ertrag je Hektar lag mit 96,4 Hektoliter deutlich über dem Vorjahr (70,6 Hektoliter).


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