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decanter.com: Wineries report damage to vines ‘minimal’ in Margaret River fires
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 30. November 2011 07:27

by James Lawrence – The evacuation of the Margaret River region has ended, as the devastating bush fires that swept Fires from McHenry Hohnen Winerythrough a series of National Parks last week are brought under control.

Fires seen from the McHenry Hohen winery

After struggling to control the fires for several days, the Australian Department of Energy and Conservation told local newspaper WA Today on Sunday that ‘the fire is now within containment lines and weather conditions are favourable.’

According to the Fire and Emergency Services Authority (FESA), 32 houses and nine holiday chalets have been destroyed in Margaret River. The damage has mostly occurred in the National Parks that directly run along the coast in the southern end of the region.

The majority of local residents returned to their homes on Sunday evening. Nick Power of the Margaret River Wine Association told Decanter.com the fires’ impact upon the 2012 Margaret River vintage would be ‘minimal’.


Parker smells potential in China’s wines
Passfoto_zoom3_icon From Franz Aregger, at 30. November 2011 07:21


Parker smells potential in China's wines

Parker smells potential in China's wines

Robert Parker, owner of “a million-dollar nose”, believes China’s fine-wine market is strong and growing. Yong Kai / for China Daily

If you hesitate about choosing from a large selection of wine, what will you do? For many people, the solution is quite simple: choose one with a high score from Robert Parker.

The world’s most influential wine critic, Parker’s million-dollar nose and his 100-score rating system have great impact on the wine industry.

The famous oenophile was on tour in Shanghai and Hong Kong recently to share his views and advice with wine lovers, the emerging wine market. Parker attended an exclusive dinner at the Pudong Shangri-La Shanghai, which featured a selection of rare vintage wines he has highly rated. Despite the price of 28,888 yuan per person, all the 40 tickets were sold out within two weeks, with some guests flying to Shanghai to meet him.


Österreich: Wetterrückblick November 2011
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 30. November 2011 07:15

Proplanta ® – Der trockenste November seit Messbeginn war ausgesprochen sonnig und überdurchschnittlich warm, in den Nebelgebieten der Niederungen aber trüb und stellenweise unterdurchschnittlich kalt.

„Der November 2011 geht österreichweit als der niederschlagsärmste November seit Beginn der flächendeckenden Niederschlagsmessungen im Jahr 1858 in die klimatologischen Jahrbücher ein“, erklärt Alexander Orlik, Klimatologe an der Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG). Das stabile Hochdruckwetter, das stellenweise seit dem 20. Oktober 2011 anhält, war dafür verantwortlich, dass es an einigen Orten nie geregnet oder geschneit hat und dass bundesweit nur 2 % der mittleren Novemberniederschläge vom Himmel fielen.


decanter.com: Wine regions oppose ‘catastrophic’ EU expansion plans
Markus_schmidli_icon From Markus Schmidli, at 30. November 2011 07:12

by Jane Anson in Bordeaux – European wine growing regions are battling European Commission plans to allow massive vineyard, france, vineyard expansion.

Burgundy: vineyard area could double

To boost the wine sector’s competitiveness by reducing production costs, the EU has included an amendment to liberalise planting rights, from January 2016, within proposals for the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) – a policy which one lobbyist said would have ‘catastrophic’ consequences.

If the reform goes through, by 2019 there will be no restrictions to planting vines across the European Union, even in countries that today have no vineyards.


25 Jahre ÖWM – 25 Jahre Erfolgsgeschichte des österreichischen Weins
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 24. November 2011 16:11


25 Jahre ÖWM – 25 Jahre Erfolgsgeschichte des österreichischen Weins


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