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Bad Ragaz: WeltWeinFestival 19.- 21. Mai 2011
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 17. May 2011 06:20

Sigi Hiss – Es geht endlich los, das 8. Bad Ragazer WeltWeinFestival. Schon oft habe ich auf diese hervorragende Veranstaltung hingewiesen, hiermit tue ich es ein weiteres Mal. In einem schöneren Rahmen kann man wohl ebenso hervorragende Weine nicht kennenlernen. Ich werde mit Sicherheit am Donnerstag, evtl. Freitag & auf jeden Fall am Samstag dort sein.

Hier das umfassenden Programm:


Campus Geisenheim
Nadia_schmidli_icon From Nadia Schmidli, at 13. May 2011 11:48

Weiterbildung, Seminare, Kurse

Buchvorstellung Sächsisches Elbland
Weinverkostung und Buchpräsentation durch das Autorenteam Rudolf Knoll und Britta Binzer
Eintritt: 30,-€ / BDO-VEG-Mitgl. 20,-€ / Studierende 15,-€

Weinwunder Deutschland
Autorenlesung Stuart Pigott mit anschl. Weinparty im Foyer
Eintritt: 5,-€

Taste & Talk – Weinverkostung mit Englisch-Konversation


wine-business-international: Hong Kong – Home of fine wine, deep pockets, big cellars
Markus_schmidli_icon From Markus Schmidli, at 13. May 2011 06:03

By Chris Hogg BBC News, Hong Kong – Could China’s thirst for fine wine, empty the cellars of the western world?

That’s the question being asked ever since Hong Kong has become the centre of the global wine trade, with more money raised at wine auctions there than in London or New York last year.


www.wine-business-international: Mystery collector to sell rare wines
Noimage_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 13. May 2011 05:58

By Leslie Gevirtz - NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) – An anonymous French wine collector is giving new meaning to the term spring cleaning – at least when it comes to emptying out his cellar.He is selling 315 bottles spanning more than 60 vintages from the top Bordeaux houses at Christies in Geneva on May 17 and was also behind the sale of 158 bottles of three centuries of Chateau d’Yquem in Hong Kong last May, which netted slightly more than $1 million.


wine-business-international:Wine growers warn of death of Mosel Valley
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 13. May 2011 05:53

Wine growers in Germany have warned of the death of the Mosel Valley after the local government approved plans to span the historic valley with a mammoth four-lane bridge.

Wine growers warn of death of Mosel Valley Vines in Klostergarten vineyard overlooking the Mosel River Photo: ALAMY
By Matthew Day 3:10PM BST 04 May 2011

Vintners have said the bridge will destroy the unique wine-growing environment of the south-west valley famed for its world-class Rieslings, as well as become an eyesore on an unspoilt beauty spot.

“We fear for the valley. It is going to be dead in 10 years’ time,” Knut Aufermann, a member of Pro-Mosel, an anti-bridge movement, said.


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