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AUS: Scholle Packaging snaps up Zork
Passfoto_zoom3_icon From Franz Aregger, at 17. May 2011 14:39

just-drinks.com -  Scholle Packaging has lined up the acquisition of resealable bottle closure producer Zork.

The purchase, announced by the two Australia-based


FRANCE: Champagne Council opens office in Russia
Noimage_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 17. May 2011 14:36

Stuart Todd – Champagne’s trade body, the Comité Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne (CIVC), has opened an office in Russia and is planning to do the same in Brazil later this year.

Growing demand for Champagne in emerging markets has prompted the move. “These two new openings will take our international network of offices to 14, covering the ten major markets for champagne and the four main emerging markets represented by the BRIC countries,”  a CIVC spokesperson told just-drinks today (17 May).

The CIVC opened an office in China in 2000 and in India in 2006.

In 2010, Champagne exports to Russia rebounded strongly, reaching 1.1m bottles, after a significant dip in 2009, said the CIVC. Champagne exports to Brazil were just under 1m bottles in 2010.

Asia triumphs as Decanter World Wine Awards 2011 results published
Noimage_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 17. May 2011 11:38

Asia has emerged as a surprise winner at the Decanter World Wine Awards as the Domaine Helan Mountaincompetition publishes its 2011 results today.

While China makes headlines on a regular basis for its unslakeable thirst for blue-chip Bordeaux, it is less well-known as a wine producer.

This year at the Decanter World Wine Awards panels handed Chinese wine producers one of the highest awards – the Red Middle East, Far East & Asia over £10 Trophy for a 2009 Bordeaux blend called Jia Bei Lan from He Lan Qing Xue in Ningxia province.

Judges said the wine was ‘supple, graceful and ripe but not flashy’ and praised its ‘excellent length and four-square tannins’.


Decanter: Moet Chinese wine deal will ‘educate’ public
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 17. May 2011 11:35

by Adam Lechmere – Moet Hennessy has signed a joint venture deal with a Chinese company to make high-end sparkling wine on the Chinese mainland.

The deal will expand the country’s wine market by educating the public and wine producers in sparkling wine, observers said.

Moet signed the deal earlier this month with state-owned agricultural company Ningxia Nongken to produce wine from a 67ha site in the northern region of Ningxia Hui.


havel & petz: Schlossweingut Graf Hardegg – „Riesling vom Schloss 2008“
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 17. May 2011 11:29

„An Irresistible Austrian Riesling“
Erfolg für das Schlossweingut Graf Hardegg. Der „Riesling vom Schloss 2008“ überzeugt die Jury rund um den New-York-Times-Weinjournalisten Eric Asimov und geht als Siegerwein aus 20 österreichischen Rieslingen hervor.


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