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Decanter: Bordeaux 2011 – Record rain deficits, temperatures and sunlight
Markus_schmidli_icon From Markus Schmidli, at 08. June 2011 15:25

by Panos Kakaviatos – Bordeaux needs rain, say winemakers, as the region has seen record dryness, high temperatures and hours of sunlight so far in 2011.
Since January, Bordeaux has had far lower rainfall than usual: 27mm instead of 92mm average in January, 62mm instead of the 82mm average in February, less than half of the average 70mm in March and only 11.2mm of rain instead of the 82mm average in April.


Decanter: Chateau Latour rivals Chateau Lafite in massive Hong Kong auction
Markus_schmidli_icon From Markus Schmidli, at 08. June 2011 15:21

by Adam Lechmere – Chateau Latour ‘reigned supreme’ in the words of Christie’s as the auction house sold more than £4.6m of wine from the cellars of the chateau on Friday.

Some of the prices raised eyebrows around the world. The BBC commented that the £140,940 paid for a six-magnum lot of the 1961 vintage would buy a three-bedroom house in many parts of the UK.


IWI–geprüfter Sommelière/Sommelier
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 08. June 2011 15:16

Drei x 4 Tage, drei E-Learning-Einheiten, schriftliche u. praktische Prüfung im Oktober 2011 in Zusammenarbeit mit dem International Wine Institute in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler.
Ziel des berufsbegleitenden Lehrgangs ist die praxisnahe Vermittlung von Weinsensorik, Weinwissen, Getränke- und Speisenkunde sowie die Arbeiten am Tisch des Gastes
Campus Geisenheim,  9 Uhr, Teilnahme: 2070.-€

Weitere Seminare und Details entnehmen Sie bitte unserer laufend aktualisierten Website www.campus-geisenheim-gmbh.de. – Buchungen von Seminaren ebenfalls bitte auf der Website.

IWI & Geisenheim: Commis Sommelier
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 08. June 2011 15:15

Elf glücklichen Teilnehmern wurden im International Wine Institute (IWI), Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler die begehrten Urkunden zum geprüften Commis Sommelier überreicht.
„Das Ergebnis lässt sich sehen“, so Prof. Dr. Loehnertz, Dekan des Fachbereichs Geisenheim der Hochschule RheinMain und Vertreter der Campus Geisenheim GmbH.


www.wine-business-international.com: Chilean cab is on the rise
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 29. May 2011 06:12

Argentina has found a signature wine with the wildly popular malbec. For neighboring Chile, things have been less clear-cut.

The country has gained a reputation for good-value wines, despite efforts of some vintners to sell more expensive bottles. But no single wine type is associated with Chile.

Some have suggested that the country could make inroads with carmenere, a grape that originated in Bordeaux but now is grown almost exclusively in Chile.


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