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Decanter: Vinexpo will return to America
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 10. June 2011 07:45

by Adam Lechmere – Vinexpo chief Robert Beynat is planning a return to the United Vinexpo Bordeaux 2011States for the trade fair, after more than six years away.

The last time Vinexpo was in America was Chicago in 2004, an event which attracted 25% less than the New York Vinexpo two years before.

At the time, France’s standing in the US was at an all-time low because of its opposition to the 2003 war with Iraq. It was not an auspicious time for Vinexpo to mount a trade fair in the US, Beynat said.

‘Chicago Vinexpo was just after the start of the Iraq war, and after [Foreign Minister] Dominique de Villepin’s speech at the UN in New York [arguing against the war],’ he told Decanter.com.


Decanter: Petrus barcode switch tip of iceberg
Passfoto_zoom3_icon From Franz Aregger, at 10. June 2011 07:43

by Panos Kakaviatos – The woman who tried to buy bottles of Petrus worth €2,300 for €2.50 each by switching barcodes represents the tip of the iceberg, fraud experts say.
The 23-year-old, who has not been named, was caught last month in a Leclerc supermarket in Trélisssac, Dordogne, having changed barcodes, replacing the indicated price of about €2,300 per bottle with €2.50 labels, according to Agence France Presse.

But for every person caught, many more get away with such label switching, French supermarket executives told Decanter.com.


NZ: New Zealand Winegrowers welcomes excise reform
Passfoto_zoom3_icon From Franz Aregger, at 10. June 2011 07:36

just-drinks.com editorial team – New Zealand Winegrowers has welcomed changes to the country’s duty tax law that should help to relieve financial pressure on New Zealand’s wineries.

Recent amendments to excise tax legislation mean that around half of New Zealand’s 700 wineries will be able to pay half-yearly or annually, rather than monthly, the trade body said today (2 June).


Steven Spurrier: “If we celebrate the Paris Wine Tasting of 1976 today, I would choose Argentinian Wine”
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 10. June 2011 04:53

If we asked those who work in the wine industry what the event that changed the scenario of the industry was, they would not hesitate to choose the Paris Wine Tasting of 1976. It was a historic moment in which Californian wines defeated French wines for the first time. The person who organized this event was Steven Spurrier, a 70-year-old man from Britain. He arrived in Seoul on the 4th of this month to attend the inauguration of the wine school Academia du Vin, and is currently working as a critic for the British wine magazine Decanter


Restaurant Farnsburg: Lust auf 8000 Flaschen Wein?
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 09. June 2011 18:43

Sigi Hiss – Ich werde seit langem wieder mal den Sommelier mimen & zwar ab Freitag bis Sonntag (10.-12 Juni) auf der Farnsburg in Ormalingen. Ormalingen liegt vor den Toren von Basel von Zürich her kommend & ca. 20 Minuten von der schweizer Grenze, kommt man von Deutschland. Gutes Essen UND ein gewaltiger Weinkeller mit so ziemlich allem was Mann oder Frau an Weinen begehren kann. Von Süß bis trocken, von Rot bis Weiss, von alter Welt bis zur Neuen, von Jung bis Reif – alles ist da. Man geht einfach vom Restaurant direkt in den Weinkeller & sucht sich das passende aus. Und wenn Fragen da sind, Hilfe benötigt wird oder sich der eine oder andere einfach überraschen lassen will – genau dafür bin ich vor Ort. Ich freue mich jetzt schon riesig, den der Wweinkeller ist der Himmel auf Erden.

Es stehen ca. 8.000 Flaschen im Keller, besser gesagt sie liegen. Das große Plus, von der Anzahl der Flaschen abgesehen, sind die sehr moderaten & oftmals unter dem Ladenpreise liegenden Preise.

Wer sich die 7 Räume des Weinkellers vorab schon mal anschauen möchte, das geht hier – Farnsburg-Weinkeller.

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