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Sigi Hiss: Weingut Weninger – Hochäcker-Mini-Vertikale
Passfoto_zoom3_icon From Franz Aregger, at 01. April 2011 13:52

Sigi Hiss – Auf der diesjährigen ProWein ein paar Hochäcker vom Weingut Weninger probiert.  Hier der kurze Bericht: Hochäcker-Mini-Vertikale.

wine-business-international: Forget the details, wine drinkers look at the bottom line
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 01. April 2011 07:51

PRICE is the factor on which most people base their wine choice, experts say. And the bulk of shoppers pay little attention to finer details on labels, UniSA Professor in Wine Marketing Larry Lockshin said. While wineries seek awards and medals, such praise also rated low when it came to what the average consumer looked for in their choice of wine, he said.


wine-business-international: Chinese buyers see our vineyards as ripe pickings
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 01. April 2011 07:45

GABRIELLE JOHNSTON -  AGENTS are reporting a rush of inquiry for vineyards from Chinese-based buyers that could lead to tens of millions of dollars in investments.However they’re proving tough sales to get in the bottle.South Australian wine industry broker, Toby Langley, Gaetjens Langley, said in the past six to 12 months there had been a “substantial” increase in Chinese inquiry about vineyards, including the Hunter Valley because of its proximity to Sydney.


Decanter: Chateau Guiraud opens wine store
Noimage_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 31. March 2011 08:55

by Jane Anson in Bordeaux -  Chateau Guiraud in Sauternes is to open two storage cellars for its wines in Asia, one in Hong Kong and one in Shenzen, China.
The first, in the industrial city of Shenzen just over the mainland Chinese border from Hong Kong, is due to open in mid-April 2011, with the second one to follow a few months later in June.


Decanter: Sylvie Cazes: early Bordeaux scoring is ‘marginal’ problem
Noimage_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 31. March 2011 08:53

by Jane Anson in Bordeaux – Sylvie Cazes, president of the Union des Grands Crus de sylvie-cazesBordeaux (UGC) has hit back at criticisms the UGC is not tough enough with journalists who publish scores early.

Following French critic Michel Bettane’s open letter of complaint about those who publish before the official start of en primeur week, Cazes said most respect the rules.

‘Every year there are a few journalists who taste before en primeur, and we ask all of them not to publish their notes before the official week. Almost all respect this rule completely.’


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