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US: Wine companies set to face consumer “revolution” – research
Markus_schmidli_icon From Markus Schmidli, at 15. April 2011 14:05

just-drinks.com editorial team – The US wine market could see a “revolution” of tastes and styles over the next 20 years as consumers make new demands of producers, according to a recent report.

The wine research and consultancy service Wine Intelligence


Alles Smaragd
Noimage_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 15. April 2011 14:03

Die Wachau lädt aufs Neue die ganze Welt zum Verkosten der neuen Weine ein. Von der Steinfeder bis zu den neuen Smaragden ist alles für das Weinfrühlingswochenede am 7. und 8. Mai eingekühlt.

Das erste Mai-Wochenende steht ganz im Zeichen des Jahrgangs 2010.


Champagne Gosset’s Grand Millesime 2000
Nadia_schmidli_icon From Nadia Schmidli, at 13. April 2011 15:00

Click through to see Champagne Gossets Grand Millesime 2000

Champagne Gosset’s Grand Millesime 2000, Available – From last month

Price – SRP of US$95 per 75cl bottle

Champagne Gosset has launched its latest vintage.

A blend of 57% Chardonnay and 43% Pinot Noir, Grand Millesime 2000 will come in new livery and packaging, recently updated in line with the company’s emphasis of sustainable development.

Weingut Louis Guntrum positioniert sich neu
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 13. April 2011 09:50

Das Weingut Louis Guntrum aus Nierstein positioniert sich in diesem Jahr neu. Die Weine des Jahrgangs 2010 zeigen bereits die neue Ausstattung und der gesamte Auftritt der Marke wird folgen.


Football: Ornellaia is the wine of champions
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 13. April 2011 09:45

Sir Alex Ferguson and Carlo Ancelotti declare their passion for the Bolgheri red

This evening, you can be sure that at least one bottle of Ornellaia will be opened in the greater Manchester area. Whatever the outcome of the on-pitch game between Chelsea and Manchester United, the after-game winners will be celebrating with this great red wine, given that both teams’ trainers, Carlo Ancelotti and Sir Alex Ferguson, are on record as having a preference for the iconic Bolgheri wine.


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