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FRANCE: China lifts Bordeaux wine exports in 2010
Noimage_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 21. March 2011 11:34

By: Stuart Todd

Bordeaux wine exports regain ground - CIVB
Bordeaux wine exports regain ground – CIVB

Global exports of Bordeaux wines staged a significant comeback last year, driven by particularly strong demand from China, according to trade body the Conseil Interprofessionel du Vin du Bordeaux (CIVB).

In sharp contrast to what the CIVB described as “a catastrophic year” in 2009, exports in calendar 2010 rose by 14% in volume to 1.77m hectolitres and by 17% in value to EUR1.51bn (US$2.1bn).

Germany was the leading export market by volume, just ahead of China. Hong Kong was the premier destination for Bordeaux wines in value terms, followed by the UK and China.

There was a 6% rise in volumes shipped to the US, although exports fell by 28% by value.

Despite a “good recovery”, the CIVB highlighted the precarious position of many Bordeaux producers due to insufficient levels of business. The sector lost around 1m hectolitres of production between 2008 and 2009.

Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 20. March 2011 17:40

webnwine hat am vinocamp #3 www.vinocamp.fr in Carcassonne teilgenommen. Rund 120


Biodynamie – der Weinbau der Zukunft
Nadia_schmidli_icon From Nadia Schmidli, at 19. March 2011 20:21

Alois Lageder präsentiert sein aktuelles Weinsortiment in Demeter-Qualität auf der ProWein (Düsseldorf) und der Summa11 in Margreid (Südtirol.

Margreid 15.03.2011 / Alois Lageder, der renommierte Qualitätswinzer aus Südtirol, verfolgt seit 2004 in seinem Weingut konsequent die biodynamische Arbeitsweise.


Summa11 – internationales Festival rund um das Kulturgut „Wein“
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 19. March 2011 20:16

50 europäische Qualitätswinzer präsentieren ihre edlen Kreszenzen in den historischen Gemäuern des Casòn Hirschprunn.

Die Begeisterung für biodynamischen Weinbau findet in der internationalen Weinszene eine immer größere Anhängerschaft, sowohl unter Winzern als auch unter Weinfreunden. Alois Lageder schätzt diesen Austausch und lädt alljährlich Weinfreunde aus der ganzen Welt zur Summa, einer gemeinsamen Weinpräsentation, nach Margreid ein (10. und 11. April 2011). Das stimmungsvolle historische Ambiente des Anwesens Casòn Hirschprunn


Mondavi research center opens
Noimage_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 19. March 2011 19:56


Take a walk through the new winery, brewery and food-processing complex at U.C. Davis, and you’ll get a glimpse into how beer and wine will be made 20 years from now. The $20 million teaching and research center at UC Davis’ Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science is the nation’s first winery, brewery or food-processing facility to receive the coveted LEED Platinum certification, the highest “green” rating awarded by the U.S. Building Council for commercial buildings.


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