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Comment – Constellation Brands Highlights World Wine Woes
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 06. January 2011 14:39

By: Chris Mercer - Constellation Brands is paying a heavy price to offload the bulk of its Australian wine business and its move marks a low-point for the global wine industry.

Constellation Brands heads wine world exodus
Constellation Brands heads wine world exodus

The world is awash with unloved wine, it seems. Not only does the industry serially produce millions of bottles more than are consumed around the globe, but the ‘for sale’ signs are going up in every direction.

Just before Christmas, Constellation announced that it is offloading 80% of its Australian, UK and South African wine operations. Less than a week earlier, Brown-Forman announced that it is considering selling its Fetzer wine brand. Meanwhile, Foster’s Group has let it be known that its own Australian wine unit – or what is left of it following some seismic restructuring – can be had at the right price.


FRANCE: Vandals empty Bordeaux wine vats containing 100,000 litres
Nadia_schmidli_icon From Nadia Schmidli, at 06. January 2011 14:39

By: Stuart Todd – Vandals have emptied the vats of wine producer SCEA Atlantide, which contained around 100,000 litres of Bordeaux claret 2009 and 2010 and also Bordeaux supérieur 2009.

Bordeauxs SCEA Atlantide hit by wine vandals
Bordeaux’s SCEA Atlantide hit by wine vandals

The company has lost its entire production, estimated to be worth close to EUR1.4m, according to company MD Jean-Jacques Reygades. SCEA Atlantide’s vineyards are located on a small island, the Ile Verte, in the Gironde estuary.

The company’s Bordeaux supérieur 2009 and claret 2010 were to be presented at a competition at the Paris Agricultural Show next month.  “There’s not a drop left, not even a sample. It’s a bitter blow for the company but we are determined to carry on,” Reygades told just-drinks yesterday (4 January). He said the police investigation into the incident was progressing.

“This is not a gratuitous act. To reach us, you need a boat. Those involved had a very good knowledge of the area and the tides,” he added.

Sigi Hiss: Decouvertes-Vins-Rhone 2011
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 05. January 2011 13:49

Reservieren Sie schon jetzt Ihre Teilnahme an der „Entdeckungsreise durch das Rhônetal”

Die 6. Ausgabe der « Entdeckungsreise durch das Rhônetal» findet vom Dienstag 1. bis Sonntag 6. März 2011 statt. Anmeldungen werden ab sofort über die Website www.decouvertes-vins-rhone.com entgegengenommen und sind ausschliesslich Weinfachleuten vorbehalten.

Alle zwei Jahre wird der Weinwelt die Entdeckung der Rhône-Weine im Rahmen dieser einzigartigen Veranstaltung von grosser Tragweite angeboten.6 Tage lang gibt es in den unterschiedlichen Lagen des Rhônetals 15 „Mini-Messen“, in denen Wein verkostet wird,


Decanter: Ab Simon dies
Markus_schmidli_icon From Markus Schmidli, at 05. January 2011 13:49

by Howard G Goldberg in New York – Abdallah H Simon – ‘Ab’ to the Bordeaux and American wine trade – died on 1 January aged 88. The creator of Seagram Chateau and Estates Wine Company and chairman from 1974 until retirement in 1999, Simon was considered one of America’s most powerful fine-wine executives.

Perhaps more than any other importer, he developed the US market’s thirst for First Growth and other Bordeaux. His price-setting influence played into retailing and the explosion of fine- and rare-wine auctions.


M. Chapoutier has decided to boost National & International Communication in collaboration with VitaBella
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 05. January 2011 13:49

Maison M. Chapoutier – announced today its new collaboration with VitaBella, the communication agency specialized in the world of Fine Wines. Since 1st January 2011, VitaBella is in charge of all missions relating to the national and international commu­nication of Maison Chapoutier. Taking a step forward in the communication strategy of the company, Michel Chapoutier is particularly interested in boosting the inter­national aspect.

“We need to be proactive and communicate more. Today Maison Chapoutier needs to follow a strong communica­tion strategy in order to succeed in its future initiatives” underlined Michel Chapoutier. “And we have numerous projects including the launch of the new wine Marius by Michel Chapoutier, our Australian wines, the Chapoutier en-Primeurs campaign and the new range of wines from Alsace. This year 2011 will be definitely marked by a dyna­mic communication!”


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