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Decanter – Fine wine ‘bigger than gold or crude’: Liv-Ex
Nadia_schmidli_icon From Nadia Schmidli, at 05. January 2011 13:49

by Richard Woodard -Fine wine from Bordeaux has been a more lucrative investment over the past 12 months than gold, crude oil or shares, according to the Liv-Ex Fine Wine Exchange.

Fine wine from Bordeaux has been a more lucrative investment over the past 12 months than gold, crude oil or shares, according to the Liv-Ex Fine Wine Exchange. The index said its Liv-Ex Fine Wine 50 – which tracks the top five Bordeaux châteaux across ten different vintages – had risen by 57% during 2010, breaking through the 400-point barrier in December. That compares to a 35% rise in the value of gold over the same period, while crude oil has risen by only 20%. Leading share indices the S&P 500 and the FTSE 100 moved up by 13% and 11% respectively.


Decanter: Seven hectares sold in Burgundy
Passfoto_zoom3_icon From Franz Aregger, at 04. January 2011 12:08

by Stephen Brook – Seven hectares of vineyards have been sold in Meursault in Burgundy, including an outstanding premier cru, in a €12.3m deal.Meursault

The sale consists the vineyards and their associated buildings of Domaine Rene Manuel by Burgundian firm Cottin Freres, which bottles and sells mostly under the well-known label of Laboure-Roi.

The domaine includes the Clos des Boucheres (about 1.5ha), which forms part of the premier cru Boucheres, and around 1.3 hectares of the outstanding premier cru Poruzots.

In addition the domaine includes an excellent Village site, the 2.4ha Clos de la Baronne. The entire value of the sale is €12.3m, a press release says, adding that the land was last valued in September 2009 at €6.7m.


Peter Gaymann: Peter Gaymanns Weinlese
Passfoto_zoom3_icon From Franz Aregger, at 04. January 2011 12:06

Sigi Hiss – durch das aktuelle MerumHeft, bin ich auf das Buch Peter Gaymanns Weinlese aufmerksam geworden. Witzig, tief- und hintersinnig! Ein Muss für jeden Weintrinker, der sich gerne auch selbst auf die Schippe zu nehmen weiss.

Doppelklicken. Diese Situation in der Realität...


FRANCE: Champagne body upbeat on 2011
Passfoto_zoom3_icon From Franz Aregger, at 04. January 2011 12:05

By: Stuart Todd – Champagne’s trade body, CIVC, is upbeat on the sector’s prospects for Chamagne body CIVC sees continued sales momentum2011 based on improving volume sales and higher pricing.


Global Champagne sales by volume rose by 12.4% for the 10 months to the end of October, according to CIVC.

“The key question now is whether this is largely a restocking phenomenon or a response to a real increase in consumption. We will only be able to make a judgement on that when the crucial months of November and December are past us,” said CIVC spokesperson Daniel Lorson.

He told just-drinks that global shipments for 2010 would likely hit 315m bottles, up from 293m last year but still below 322m in 2008.


Schnaps ist nicht gleich Schnaps…
Markus_schmidli_icon From Markus Schmidli, at 04. January 2011 11:50

Stellungnahme des Vereins Schweizer Brenzer Kirsch zur Totalrevision des Alkoholgesetzes:
Schnaps ist nicht gleich Schnaps…
Das neue Alkoholgesetz stellt hochstehende Genussmittel wie den Brenzer Kirsch, der ausschliesslich aus schwarzen Süsskirschen von Schweizer Hochstammbäumen gewonnen wird, noch immer auf eine Stufe mit industriell hergestelltem Billig-Wodka aus dem Ausland. Der Verein Schweizer Brenzer Kirsch fordert eine differenzierte Betrachtungs-weise.


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