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Bordeaux harvest starts with Carbonnieux after ‘roller-coaster’ growing season
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 10. September 2010 10:57

Jane Anson – Chateau Carbonnieux in Pessac Leognan is due to begin picking its Sauvignon Blanc grapes at the end of this week after a ‘roller-coaster’ season of highs and lows.
A cold start to the growing season, and dry weather combined with cool nights in August, have meant that most vineyards are around a week behind schedule.

For most properties the white grape harvest will begin next week, with the Sauvignon Blanc at Chateau Margaux on schedule for sometime between September 10 and 20.
Carbonnieux owner Eric Perrin told decanter.com,


‘Perfect’ auction lot to be offered at US wine festival
Nadia_schmidli_icon From Nadia Schmidli, at 10. September 2010 10:45

by Janice Fuhrman – The Naples (Florida) Winter Wine Festival will offer an unprecedented auction lot of 100 bottles of 100-point wines at its annual event in January.
Among the wines in the ‘Perfection Lot’ are a 1955 Chateau La Mission Haut-Brion, a 1989 Chateau Petrus, and a 1985 Domaine Romanee-Conti valued at more than $11,000.


New Alsace chief calls for sweetness code on labels
Nadia_schmidli_icon From Nadia Schmidli, at 10. September 2010 10:43

Stuart Peskett – Sweetness codes could be a feature of every bottle of Alsace wine if the new president of the Alsace trade council has his way. Rémy Gresser, a biodynamic producer who farms 11ha (hectares) in Andlau, who is now president of the Conseil Interprofessionnel des Vins d’Alsace (CIVA), already uses a sweetness code for his own wines.

He told decanter.com the labelling system


Dubai airport breaks duty-free wine sale record
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 10. September 2010 10:37

by Richard Woodard – A fine wine store at Dubai Airport is claiming a world record after a customer spent a total of US$107,000 on eight bottles of wine. The customer made the purchase on one visit to Le Clos fine wine and luxury spirits boutique in Dubai International Airport’s Terminal 3 on 22 August.

Almost doubling the previous world record for a single wine purchase in travel retail, the splurge included bottles of 1947 and 1961 Château Pétrus, as well as a magnum of the 1959 vintage.


Steinfels: Weinauktionskatalog vom 11. September/ Wineauction catalogue 11th September
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 10. September 2010 10:37

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