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Languedoc clarifies new ‘simplified’ pyramid system
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 26. August 2010 11:35

Rebecca Gibb – France’s Languedoc region claims a new grand cru and grand vin system will ‘simplify’ life for its consumers. The base appellation AOC Languedoc will sit at the bottom of a three tiered pyramid. Superior appellations including Minervois and St Chinian will be labelled Grands Vins du Languedoc.

The best vineyard sites such as Minervois La Liviniere and Corbieres Boutenac will be able to use the highest rating: Grands Crus du Languedoc. The appellation’s trade association the CIVL said the idea was to make the system easier to understand.
Jerome Villaret, executive officer of the CIVL told decanter.com,


Gabriel/Gerstl/Bertschinger – 78. Weinbörse in Luzern
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 26. August 2010 11:35

Liebe Weinfreundinnen, liebe Weinfreunde,

Die 78igste Weinversteigerung der WB WEINBÖRSE AG findet zum ersten Mal in der Stadt Luzern statt. Im Radisson Blu Hotel gelangen am Samstag, 4. September von 10 bis 17 Uhr 1375 Einzellots mit über 10’000 Topweinen unter den Auktionshammer mit Zuschlag an den Meistbietenden.


Languedoc clarifies new ‘simplified’ pyramid system
Passfoto_zoom3_icon From Franz Aregger, at 26. August 2010 11:35

Rebecca Gibb – France’s Languedoc region claims a new grand cru and grand vin system will ‘simplify’ life for its consumers. The base appellation AOC Languedoc will sit at the bottom of a three tiered pyramid. Superior appellations including Minervois and St Chinian will be labelled Grands Vins du Languedoc.


FRANCE: Bordeaux’s Cave des Hauts de Gironde to expand
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 26. August 2010 11:32

By: Stuart Todd – La Cave des Hauts de Gironde to expand one of Bordeaux’s largest AOC wine cooperatives, La Cave des Hauts de Gironde (CHG), is investing EUR13m (US$16.7m) in a restructuring and expansion programme.

Work will start next month on a 6,500sqm extension to facilities at the co-op’s HQ in Marcillac, comprising a bottling line and storage area for finshed products. Both should be ready by spring 2011, said CHG this week.


New Zealand wine surplus dilutes export rise
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 26. August 2010 11:31

New Zealand Winegrowers picks positives out of tough year
New Zealand Winegrowers picks positives out of tough year

New Zealand’s wine surplus oveshadowed a 5% rise in exports by value for the year to the end of June, official figures show. Exports increased by 5% on the previous year to reach NZD1.04bn (US$736m), trade body New Zealand Winegrowers said today (23 August). However, the average value of bottled wine exports fell by 11% as a wine surplus in the country continued to put pressure on pricing.

New Zealand Winegrowers said the sector made a “critically important step” in rebalancing supply and demand by reducing the 2010 grape harvest haul by 7% on 2009. 


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