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Decanter: DRC half price in Sweden’s Systembolaget
Markus_schmidli_icon From Markus Schmidli, at 05. October 2010 16:06

by Rebecca Gibb – Long queues are expected outside Swedish wine stores when stocks of Domaine de la Romanée-Conti go on sale at less than half the current retail price. The Swedish monopoly Systembolaget will release several DRC wines on October 19 on a first-come, first-served basis.


SPAIN: Wine exports jump, January to July – figures
Nadia_schmidli_icon From Nadia Schmidli, at 05. October 2010 16:04

just-drinks.com editorial team – Exports of wine from Spain have leapt in the first seven Y viva Espanas wines in the year so farmonths of 2010, according to recently-released figures.

Spanish trade body Observatorio Español del Mercado del Vino (OeMv) said earlier today (29 September) that exports from the country recorded rises in terms of both volume and value between January and July. A total of 970.6m litres was shipped in the period, an increase of 16.6% on the 832.7m litres exported in the corresponding period a year earlier.

In value terms, shipments just broke EUR1bn (US$1.36bn), up by 6.3% year-on-year. The average price per litre, meanwhile, dipped in the seven-month period, by 8.8% to EUR1.03.

Decanter: Napa 2010 – long cool summer promises ‘European’ vintage
Nadia_schmidli_icon From Nadia Schmidli, at 05. October 2010 14:55

by Cheryl Lincoln in San Francisc – Napa vintners are gearing up for one of the coolest harvests on record – and many are saying wines will be more balanced, elegant and lower in alcohol as a result.

While grapes have been slow to ripen in the long cool growing season, vineyards have also been prey to a number of different hazards – like a heat spike in August – which have reduced yield significantly. But winemakers are sanguine: indeed, some, like Elias Fernandez at Shafer, and Ivo Jeramaz at Grgich Hills Estate, see the difficult season as a boon.


VDP Jubiläumsversteigerungen 2010: rasante Preissteigerungen & historisches Ergebnis
Markus_schmidli_icon From Markus Schmidli, at 29. September 2010 10:42

Trier/Bad Kreuznach/Kloster Eberbach: Am Sonntagnachmittag, den 26. September 2010 fiel der Hammer zum letzten Mal für das Jahr 2010 und damit für die Jubiläumsweinversteigerungen anlässlich des 100. Geburtstags des VDP. Unter den Hammer kamen an diesem Wochenende rund 15.000 Flaschen Wein, die einen Umsatz von über 1,5 Mio. Euro einbrachten.


Decanter: Cru Bourgeois: new listing launched
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 28. September 2010 11:24

by Adam Lechmere- The new Cru Bourgeois selection has been announced in Paris and London – to the relief of everyone concerned.

Cru Bourgeois logo

Frederique de Lamothe, the director of the Alliance des Cru Bourgeois du Medoc told Decanter.com today she was delighted to finally announce the results of three years’ work. ‘There has been a lot of stress,’ she said. ‘For three years we’ve been more or less working in secrecy without being able to tell anyone what we are doing.’


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