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decanter.com: AIV Debate – Can biodynamic unlock ‘noble’ wines?
Noimage_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 14. June 2012 08:38

by Chris Mercer – Greater respect for the soil is key to producing wines that accurately express terroir and may be considered ‘noble’, a meeting of the Academie du Vin has been told.AIV 2012 debate Paul Draper of Ridge Vineyards addresses AIV members in London.

Raymond Paccot, of Domaine La Colombe in Switzerland, said that biodynamic winemakers represent a ‘resistance’ movement. They are at the forefront of efforts to improve expressions of terroir by rejecting 20th Century cultivation methods.
The concept of biodynamic, and also organic practices more broadly, were recurring themes during the Academie du Vin (AIV) debate, which was held under the title, ‘is noble wine a valid concept?’.

‘Through the use of herbicides and water soluble fertilisers, many vineyards have suffered,’ Paccot said during a speech at the AIV conference, held at London’s Cavendish Hotel and co-hosted by Decanter.


decanter.com: Bordeaux 2011 – Chateau d’Yquem holds back from en primeur campaign
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 14. June 2012 08:34

by Jane Anson in Bordeaux – The director of Chateau d’Yquem, Pierre Lurton, has said he will not be releasing the 2011 vintage en primeur at this time.

chateau d'yquemDespite being named as wine of the vintage by several critics, Lurton has said in a letter to Bordeaux wine merchants that he will hold the wine back due to the ‘delicate context’ of the 2011 campaign.

He said that he would rather ‘bring it out at a more suitable moment, one that suits the excellence of the wine in this vintage’.

Bordeaux sources told Decanter.com that the sluggish nature of the 2011 campaign, which has been marked by significant price drops, means that Lurton was unwilling to bring the price down sufficiently to sell in a difficult commercial climate. No indication has been given of when the 2011 Yquem will be available to buy.


Erfolgreiche Premiere für das erste Biodynamische Fest auf dem Weingut Alois Lageder
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 14. June 2012 08:09

Erstmalig lud Alois Lageder in Zusammenarbeit mit der ARGE Südtirol am Samstag, den 9. Juni 2012 zu einem Tag im Zeichen der Biodynamie und der anthroposophischen Lehre Rudolf Steiners auf das Weingut in Margreid. Bei schönem Wetter und in heiterer Atmosphäre machten rund 1000 Besucher das Biodynamische Fest – Open Day@Alois Lageder zu einem vollen Erfolg. Vor der herrlichen Kulisse des historischen Ansitzes Casòn Hirschprunn präsentierten regionale, biologisch-dynamisch arbeitende Landwirte ihre Erzeugnisse. Nicht nur das kulinarische Angebot traf auf positive Resonanz, auch die zahlreichen Seminare, Kurse und Führungen durch Weinberg, Garten und Keller fanden rege Teilnahme. Für Groß und Klein wurde so über den ganzen Tag das breite Spektrum von Anthroposophie bis Biodynamie erlebbar. Zum krönenden Abschluss des vielfältigen Rahmenprogramms, in Kooperation mit den umliegenden Waldorfschulen erarbeitet, spielte die herausragende ATB-Bigband des Bozener Franziskanergymnasiums.

IWSR Magazine: The US becomes the world’s leading still light wine market
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 14. June 2012 08:07

In a watershed for the global wine industry, the US overtook Italy in 2011 to become the largest single still light wine market. According to the IWSR, still light wine sales in the US reached 300.6m cases in 2011, a rise of 4.2% over 2010. Meanwhile, the Italian market declined by 1.2% to 297.3m cases. France also continued its long-term decline, falling by 0.8% to 271.6m cases.  In the US, local wines increased by 5.1% to 221m cases,


Passfoto_zoom3_icon From Franz Aregger, at 12. June 2012 14:30

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