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Genuss-Krimi Autoren gesucht
Noimage_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 05. June 2012 07:58

Sigi Hiss – Ein deutscher Verlag sucht für eine neue Buchreihe neue Autoren. Genuss in allen seinen Formen und Facetten ist das Thema, dabei ist man ist sehr offen bezüglich Stilrichtungen und Aufbau. Auch jene, die sich erstmals an ein Buch wagen, sind gerne willkommen. Neuen Talenten gibt man Tipps und Unterstützung im gesamten Entstehungsproszess des Buches. Bei Interesse bitte eine E-Mail direkt an mich office@sigihiss.com

decanter.com: EU wines may now be labelled ‘organic’
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 29. May 2012 08:43

by Jane Anson in Bordeaux – EU-produced organic wines have won the right to use the label ‘Organic Wine’ or ‘Vin Biologique’. The new organic wine logonew EU organic logo

The new terms can be used instead of the former, more opaque wording: ‘Wine issued from organic grapes’. The European-wide change to the labeling laws will come into effect from 1 August. Gwenaelle le Guillon, director of Syndicat des Vignerons Bio d’Aquitaine told Decanter.com organic wines would now have the right to carry an identifying logo, as any other organic product does.


decanter.com: Frost in Austria destroys thousands of hectares of vines
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 28. May 2012 08:15

by Panos Kakaviatos – Widespread frost in Austria earlier this month caused serious damage to vineyards, according to the Austrian winegrowers’ association. Niederösterreich

Niederösterreich: temperatures dropped to -5°C

Temperatures as low as -5°C overnight from 17-18 May damaged some 6,000ha of vines, particularly in Lower Austria (Niederösterreich). Around 4,000ha of vines lost this year’s crop and 2,000ha were partially damaged, Josef Pleil, president of the association said.

It is too early to estimate accurately the cost, Susanne Staggl, marketing manager of the Austrian Wine Institute said, but Austrian media have quoted losses of up to €20m in Lower Austria, €4m in Burgenland and €1m in Steiermark (Styria), although that includes losses in other sectors such as strawberries and sunflowers.


decanter.com: First sparkling screwcap released
Passfoto_zoom3_icon From Franz Aregger, at 28. May 2012 08:11

by Ken Gargett – The first screwcap for sparkling wines has been released – and it claims to solve the problems of taint, loss of sparkle and ease of opening.viivaThe closure, called ‘Viiva‘, is the result of five years of research and development between Guala Closures Australia, glass manufacturer O-I, and De Bortoli Wines.

At present Viiva is restricted to sparkling wines produced by the tank fermentation or charmat method and is not suitable for wines made by in the traditional method with secondary fermentation in bottle. It is anticipated to find strongest support in the on-premise market, especially for wines by the glass, and for larger events such as banquets and conventions.

Feedback had identified major issues in these sectors as taint, loss of carbonation and ease of opening; according to the manufacturers the new closure solves all three. The seal is released by a double twist, the first releasing pressure and the second opening the bottle, which can then be resealed.


decanter.com: Penfolds launches Grange 07 in Europe and ‘first-ever’ Bin 169
Noimage_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 28. May 2012 08:07

by Adam Lechmere – Penfolds has just launched its icon wines in Europe – including the bin 169 penfoldsfirst-ever bottling of the new £165 Bin 169 Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon 2008, and the Grange 2007. Bin 169: first ever bottling

Penfolds had been ‘wanting to make Bin 169 for 25 or 30 years,’ chief winemaker Peter Gago told a masterclass at the London International Wine Fair.The reason they had never got round to it, he said, was that it would have ‘compromised’ the Bin 707 Cabernet Sauvignon, a blend of vineyards in Coonawarra, Barossa, Wrattonbully and Padthaway.‘There’s now more fruit at A grade level in Coonawarra,’ Gago told Decanter.com, ‘which is why we’re able to make the Bin 169 without taking away from Bin 707.’Around 1000 cases are made of the Bin 169, compared to 7000-9000 of Grange.

The wines released today – which were launched in Australia at the beginning of the month – were Grange 2007, Yattarna Chardonnay 2009, Reserve Bin 10A Chardonnay 2010, Bin 707 Cabernet Sauvignon 2009, Bin 169 Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon 2008, Magill Estate Shiraz 2009, RWT Barossa Valley Shiraz 2009, and St Henri Shiraz 2008.


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