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decanter.com: Bordeaux chateau ages wine in the sea
Nadia_schmidli_icon From Nadia Schmidli, at 12. June 2012 08:12

by Jane Anson in Bordeaux -Bordeaux’s Chateau Larrivet Haut-Brion has experimented with ageing one barrel of its 2009 wine partially submerged in the sea.Chateau Larrivet Haut-BrionThe barrel was sunk among the oyster parks of Cap Ferret, on the Atlantic coast, said the chateau, which is based in the Pessac Leognan region of Bordeaux.

Bruno Lemoine, director and winemaker of Larrivet Haut-Brion, told Decanter.com that the idea came from a conversation among friends, who each played a part in the experiment. Lemoine provided the wine, oyster farmer Joel Dupuch provided the seabed space and barrel maker Pierre-Guillaume Chiberry, of Radoux, created a 56-litre barrel.


decanter.com: Bordeaux vineyard prices up 10pc in 2011
Noimage_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 12. June 2012 07:23

by Jane Anson in Bordeaux -Deals for prestigious wine-growing areas spark rise in the average price of Bordeaux vineyards.Investor thirst for key wine-growing areas drove up the average price of vineyard land in Bordeaux by 10% last year, official figures show.

Buyers paid an average €76,000 (US$94,400) per hectare in 2011, according to French agency SAFER, which records all land transactions across France. However, vineyard prices varied sharply depending on location. A simple AOC Bordeaux red or white could be picked up for €15,000 per hectare last year, down €1,000 from 2010, while the best vineyard land in Pauillac fetched €1.65m per hectare, up 65% in just one year.


decanter.com: Closures not a priority for US consumers, says survey
Noimage_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 12. June 2012 07:18

by Chris Mercer – Most wine drinkers in the US only notice the bottle closure if there is a Nomacorcproblem, according to new research commissioned by Nomacorc, but contested by natural cork producers.

Closures may get many wine professionals foaming at the mouth, but it seems US consumers are not so fussed. Almost all of the 600 regular wine drinkers surveyed by Merrill Partners Research said that closure type is not among their top three reasons for buying a wine.

‘The research showed that most core wine drinkers only focus on the closure when it creates a problem,’ said Merrill co-founder Pat Merrill. Synthetic closure producer Nomacorc commissioned the study. Natural corks are still used in around 70% of wine sold in the US, but Nomacorc wants to eat further into this share by highlighting its own closures’ reliability.

Speaking to Decanter.com,


Einladung zur Alentejo-Degustation: Neue Jahrgänge, neue Spitzencrus
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 12. June 2012 07:14

Auch im Alentejo sorgen Klimaturbulenzen dafür, dass die stilistische Bandbreite der Spitzenweine so gross ist wie nie zuvor: 2009 war ein perfektes, warmes Jahr, das vollmundige Weine mit grosser Fruchtfülle hervorgebracht hat. Im eher kühlen 2010 entstanden mehrheitliche elegante, gut strukturierte Weine. Der Jahrgang 2011, vom dem die ersten Weissweine bereits auf dem Markt erhältlich sind, liegt zwischen diesen beiden Vorgängerjahren. Die Weine zeichnen sich durch ihre Ausgewogenheit aus.

Am Montag, 25. Juni, präsentieren 16 Weingüter ihre Crus in Zürich. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, um die neue Vielfalt der Spitzenweine, die in den letzten Monaten abgefüllt worden sind, zu verkosten.


decanter.com: Mosel bridge still going ahead, say officials
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 12. June 2012 07:05

by Chris Mercer – German officials are adamant that the controversial Mosel bridge will be built as planned, after protestors reported an unexpected pause in construction.

Mosel bridgeWork on the Mosel bridge, which would slice through one of Germany‘s most prestigious Riesling vineyard areas, has now been stopped for several weeks, according to protest group Pro-Mosel. Local media has reported structural problems at the site.

A bridge between Ürzig to Rachtig, above the vineyards of Zeltingten to Bernkastel, has inflamed debate since it was first proposed 30 years ago. ‘They’ve only fully planned the first pillar, the others are just laid out on a computer programme,’ said Pro-Mosel’s Sarah Washington, relaying reports from workers. Those workers still at the site can be seen ‘shovelling materials from one area to the next and back again’, she said.


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