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decanter.com: Bordeaux 2010 – Cheval Blanc got the price wrong, say merchants
Nadia_schmidli_icon From Nadia Schmidli, at 08. July 2011 12:27

by Adam Lechmere – A senior executive at Chateau Cheval Blanc has vigorously defended the company’s policy on pricingCheval Blanc the 2010 vintage.

The LVMH-owned St Emilion first growth’s opening price of €900 from negociants, 21.4% more than its 2009 price of €700, has been received with a good deal of hostililty by wine merchants, and on Twitter.

‘They have simply got the price wrong,’ Stephen Browett of Farr Vintners told Decanter.com, adding that he had sold 40 cases, half of them to Hong Kong.


wine-business-international: Italy overtakes France to become world’s largest wine producer
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 08. July 2011 06:18

By Nick Pisa in Rome – Italy has overtaken France to become the largest wine producer in the world.

According to the European Commission in 2010 Italy produced 4.96 billion litres of wine compared to 4.62 billion in France, a drop of one per cent from last year.Domenico Bosco,


Wine Business International: Wine alcohol strength ‘systematically’ understated on labelling
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 08. July 2011 06:14

Study of 129,000 wines reveals some vintners deliberately – but legally – market wine as less alcoholic than it is

Farmers pick grapes in Santiago

Farmers pick grapes of the Merlot-Cot stock during the wine harvest of the Perez Cruz vineyard in Santiago. Photograph: Martin Bernetti/AFP/Getty Images

Wine drinkers suffering an unexpected hangover after what they thought was a moderate drink may have just found someone else to blame but themselves.

A study of the alcohol content of 129,000 wines from vineyards across Europe and the new world over a 16-year period has suggested that many vintners have been “systematically” understating their wines’ strength on labels.


Meininger’s shortlisted for major awardBy Meininger’s Wine Business International
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 08. July 2011 05:46

Meininger’s Wine Business International magazine has been shortlisted in the Louis Roederer International Wine Writers’ Awards, in the category of International Wine Publication of the Year 2011.

The prestigious Louis Roederer awards


decanter.com: Napa unsuitable for premium wine in 30 years – study
Passfoto_zoom3_icon From Franz Aregger, at 07. July 2011 11:27

by Adam Lechmere -Premium winemaking in Napa Valley could be impossible in 30 years noah diffenbaughaccording to a study into climate change.

Scientists at Stanford University in California looked at four wine-growing counties in the western United Sates — Santa Barbara County and the Napa Valley in California, Yamhill County in Oregon’s Willamette Valley and Walla Walla County in Washington state’s Columbia Valley.

The scientists said that by 2040 there could be 50% less land suitable for cultivating premium wine grapes in high-value areas of Northern California.

However, some cooler parts of Oregon and Washington state would become correspondingly better for growing grapes.


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