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SOUTH AFRICA: KWV’s profits slump in H1
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 24. February 2011 07:18

By: Arnold Kirkby | 22 February 2011 – Decrease font sizeDecrease font sizeDecrease font size Increase font sizeIncrease font sizeIncrease font size Comment on this article Email this to a friend Print this page Share this article

* Profits down by 80%
* Sales down by 9%
* Big reduction in UK listings

KWV’s net profits have slumped by 80% for the first half of its fiscal year, following write-down charges and a drop in sales.


SOUTH AFRICA: KWV still open to suitors
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 24. February 2011 07:16

By: Arnold Kirkby – South African wine and spirit company KWV has said it is still open to negotiation with possible suitors after this month’s failed takeover by Pioneer Foods.

KWV’s CEO, Thys Loubser, said today (22 February) that he needs more time for new major shareholder HCI to get to grips with the company before anything concrete can be decided. Black empowerment group HCI has purchased 31.8% of KWV from Zeder Investments.


US: Wine exports hit record in 2010
Nadia_schmidli_icon From Nadia Schmidli, at 24. February 2011 07:13

By: just-drinks.com editorial team – Decrease font sizeDecrease font sizeDecrease font size Increase font sizeIncrease font sizeIncrease font size Comment on this article Email this to a friend Print this page Share this article

US wine exports rebounded to hit a record $1.14bn in 2010, according to the California Wine Institute.


Decanter: COFCO to guard China-bound Bordeaux from production to consumption
Passfoto_zoom3_icon From Franz Aregger, at 22. February 2011 07:10

by Jane Anson in Bordeaux – Chinese conglomerate COFCO has confirmed that it intends to control the supply chain of its Bordeaux wines, in a bid to protect Chinese consumers from wine fraud.

Speaking at the signing ceremony of the www.decanter.com/


Decanter: Senior figures meet to discuss new St Emilion classification
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 22. February 2011 07:05

by Richard Woodard – The long awaited new classification of St Emilion has moved a step closer following a meeting between French appellations body the INAO and leading chateaux in the area.

Yves Bénard, president of the Comité National des Vins at the INAO (Institut National de l’Origine et de la Qualité), came to St Emilion on Thursday to explain the new classification rules to local producers and growers.


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