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Decanter: Jefford joins Decanter as contributing editor
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 01. March 2011 12:48

Andrew Jefford

by Decanter.com staff -  Andrew Jefford has joined Decanter magazine’s main panel of writers and critics as a contributing editor.

The veteran wine writer joins consultant editor Steven Spurrier, Stephen Brook, Jeannie Cho Lee MW, James Lawther MW, Fiona Beckett, John Stimpfig and Brian St Pierre as one of Decanter’s most valued contributors

He also starts a new column on Decanter.com, Jefford on Monday, which opens with a look at the dangers of making wine in earthquake zones.

Jefford has just spent 15 months in Australia as a senior research fellow at Adelaide University, and is the author of more than a dozen books on wine and whisky, notably The New France, several editions of the Evening Standard Wine Guide, and Peat Smoke and Spirit: A Portrait of Islay and its Whiskies.


Sigi Hiss: Portugals trockene Rotweine – TN oder Cuvee?
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 01. March 2011 12:25

TN oder Cuvée?

Portugal als Weinland kennzeichnen zwei wesentliche Sachverhalte. 300 weiße & rote autochtone Rebsorten & der traditionelle Ausbau der Weine als Cuvée. Eine Cuvée, die im Rebberg entsteht, da man dort zum größten Teil den gemischten Satz vorfindet. Heutzutage wird die Cuvée aber auch im Keller zusammengestellt & in den Rebgärten wird sortenrein angepflanzt. Die Liebe zur Cuvée aber ist ungebrochen. Daran entzündet sich eine heftige Diskussion innerhalb der Winzerschaft.


Decanter: Jefford on Monday – Wine in the ring of fire
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 01. March 2011 12:15

Earthquakes are a part of life for most of us – the UK, for example, gets several hundred a year.

Chile - eathquakeHalf a million earthquakes affect our planet every year, but humans only sense one in five of them. The world can expect 18 major quakes (magnitude 7-7.9 on the Richter scale) a year, plus one great quake (magnitude 8 or more).

Europe isn’t immune. The Lisbon earthquake of November 1755 (in fact it happened 200 km out in the Atlantic) was, at 8.7, one of the greatest in recorded history, and the Messina catastrophe of December 1908 was one of three major quakes to affect Italy since the late seventeenth century.


Decanter: Napa barrel auction breaks record
Passfoto_zoom3_icon From Franz Aregger, at 01. March 2011 11:53

by Guy Woodward in California – California producers are talking of confidence returning to the fine wine market after a record-breaking weekend in the Napa Valley.

The Napa Valley Vintners’ annual barrel auction raised nearly $2.4 million in sales, the highest ever total, and 23% up on last year’s take.Two hundred producers offered special production lots of as yet unbottled futures to the trade.


Pfälzer Barrique Forum: Zwei Dutzend “GROSSE WEINE” aus der Pfalz
Passfoto_zoom3_icon From Franz Aregger, at 01. March 2011 11:47

17 Winzer des Pfälzer Barrique Forums präsentierten letzten Freitag im Ketschauer Hof zu Deidesheim 24 Weine, die zuvor in einer Blindprobe von einer unabhängigen Verkoster-Jury mit mindestens 4 von 5 Punkten bewertet wurden. Sie dürfen seitdem den vereinsinternen Titel „GROSSER WEIN“ tragen


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