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FRANCE: Lanson-BCC Champagne FY sales rise, but short of pre-crisis high
Markus_schmidli_icon From Markus Schmidli, at 10. February 2011 06:34

By: just-drinks.com editorial teamLanson-BCC fizzing again, but still below 2007 levels

  • Sales rise by 11% in 2010
  • Demand still short of pre-crisis highs
  • Profits to be “better” than 2009

Champagne house Lanson-BCC has reported an 11% rise in sales for 2010, but demand remained below the highs seen before the global financial crisis.

Lanson-BCC said today (8 February) that net sales reached EUR305m (US$416m) for the 12 months to the end of December. Volume sales increased by 6% versus 2009, echoing a general rebound in consumer demand for Champagne following a tough couple of years.


GLOBAL: Champagne sales rise in 2010 – figures
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 10. February 2011 06:31

By: Chris Mercer - Global Champagne sales rebounded in 2010, but demand failed to surpass the levels of 2008, according to trade body Comité Interprofessionnel des Vins de Champagne (CIVC).


Sigi Hiss: 2008 Bacchus / A. Mathier
Nadia_schmidli_icon From Nadia Schmidli, at 09. February 2011 09:01

Sigi Hiss – Nach dem Grand Cru von A. Mathier, nun der Bacchus. Auch ein Pinot Noir, aber im Barrique ausgebaut. Sehr gut aber nicht an den Grand Cru heranreichend, der Bacchus braucht noch etwas Zeit auf der Flasche oder eine etwas längere Dekantierzeit. Er ist eine Spur kantiger & kraftvoller wie der Grand Cru, jedoch auch er hat nur 13% – also auch hier keine Alkohol-Exzesse. Die 13%er mit Qualität scheinen so ganz langsam wieder aus der Versenkung zu kommen. Umdenken? Hoffnung!


Offen, rote reife Kirschen, Hauch Sauerkirsche, etwas Zedern & schwarze Kräuter, etwas Walnuss & schwarzer Pfeffer, Hauch Lakritze, sehr tief, komplex, kraftvoll zugleich rassig wirkend, Hauch Astwerk, sehr gute Tiefe & Komplexität, Dekantieren – gewinnt mit Luft.

Dichte gepaart mit Kraft, sandiges dezentes Tannin, frische Säure, dezente mineralische Note, strukturiert, feine Holzwürze, Balance, dunkle Waldbeeren, Alkohol sehr gut integriert, elegant, etwas würzige Brombeere, reife Erdbeeren, leicht ätherische Note, mittig ein Hauch Holz & dadurch noch etwas sperrig, wird noch zulegen, kantiger Schmeichler, sehr langer & sehr dichter Abgang. 17.5/20, bis 2022

Decanter: Sylvie Cazes to manage all Roederer Bordeaux estates
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 09. February 2011 07:13

by Jane Anson in Bordeaux-Sylvie Cazes is to become managing director of all Louis Roederer properties in Bordeaux, sylvie-cazesDecanter.com has learned.

Cazes, who was last week appointed as managing director of Chateau Pichon-Longueville Comtesse de Lalande, has confirmed that her new role will also see her take over properties including Chateau de Pez and Chateau Haut Beauséjour in Saint Estèphe, Chateau Bernadotte in Haut Médoc, and Château Réaut la Gravière in AOC Bordeaux.

Cazes will continue to play a supervisory role with the Cazes family estates, including Chateau Lynch Bages and Chateau Ormes de Pez, as president of the Advisory Board. Her shares in the family estates remain the same.

‘As a neighbour, Pichon Comtesse is of course a property that I have always admired,’ Cazes told Decanter.com, ‘it’s a magnificent estate, with an incredible history, and this role is a dream.’


SPAIN: Rioja wine region threatened by power lines
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 08. February 2011 15:44

By: James Lawrence -

Rioja faces power lines plan
Rioja faces power lines plan

Some of Rioja’s most prestigious vineyards may be under threat from plans to build an extensive network of electricity lines across the Spanish wine region.

Winemakers in the region are protesting against a series of high voltage lines that will run from Haro to Burgos in North West Spain. Construction of the network is set to be complete in April 2011.

Jorge Muga, senior winemaker at Bodegas Muga in Haro, told just-drinks today (8 February) that the lines cross over 10,000 hectares of vineyards in the Rioja Alta


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