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decanter.com: Chateau Rieussec will make no 2012 vintage
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 21. December 2012 09:20

by Jane Anson in Bordeaux -  Chateau Rieussec, the Sauternes estate owned by Domaines Barons de Rothschild (Lafite) has joined Chateau d’Yquem in announcing that it will not be making a 2012 vintage wine.

DBR director Charles Chevallier told Decanter.com they ‘simply felt there was not sufficient juice of first wine quality to justify the production this year.’ He confirmed however they would be making a second wine, Les Carmes de Rieussec.

‘This is the first vintage that we have made no [first] wine since 1993, but it has been a challenging year and the quality of our bottling must always be the priority.’


Olivier Bernard succeeds Sylvie Cazes as President of the Union des Grands Crus de Bordeaux!
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 20. December 2012 12:49

olivier_bernardThe board of the Union des Grands Crus de Bordeaux met on the 18th of December and thanked Sylvie Cazes warmly for her accomplishments during her four years as President of the organization.


Sylvie Cazes increased the number of tastings abroad with members of the UGCB and innovated by introducing such new markets as Brazil and India. She also focused her attention directly on consumers. Thanks to her impetus, the Week-end des Grands Crus now attracts some 1,800 wine enthusiasts from around the world to Bordeaux, and the number of events organized abroad in conjunction with wine importers and distributors has increased significantly. Today the Union des Grands Crus de Bordeaux offers their 134 members the opportunity to take part in more than 80 international events a year, attended by some 35,000 trade professionals and journalists as well as 11,000 consumers.


decanter.com: Chateau d’Yquem will not make 2012 vintage
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 19. December 2012 09:33

joy of terroir, terroir, by Chris Mercer – Chateau d’Yquem has pulled out of making a Sauternes in 2012 after the vintage failed a post-harvest taste test.

‘Prepared to not make a vintage’: Yquem

The LVMH-owned Sauternes first growth confirmed to Decanter.com that ‘there will be no Chateau d’Yquem in the 2012 vintage’.

It is the first time in 20 years that the chateau has made such a call.

‘This is a very difficult decision, but the tasting of the harvest confirmed that the level of quality is not satisfactory to become Yquem,’ said chateau spokeswoman Valérie Lailheugue.


Img_3280-klein_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 18. December 2012 14:34

Etiquette MR 2010 specimenEvery year since 1945, a great artist has created an original artwork for the Château Mouton Rothschild label. Thus, on the initiative of the Château’s owners, the most famous names are brought together in a collection to which a new work is added each year. The commission to illustrate the 2010 vintage was given by Baroness Philippine de Rothschild to the American sculptor Jeff Koons, born in York (Pennsylvania) in 1955 and a leading figure of contemporary art.

In the vein of Pop Art and kitsch, Koons takes familiar objects and uses a wide variety of techniques to illuminate them with colours, distort and recreate them. For a time he was the world’s most expensive living artist, while the exhibition of his works at the Château de Versailles in 2008 aroused high passions. Koons also revisits Antiquity, as with this Birth of Venus, a fresco from Pompeii, which his silver drawing turns into a Venus with Vessel – both the cup which holds and the ship which, under a bright sun, bears off into the distance an exquisite wine…Surely Mouton Rothschild 2010!

A Premier Cru Classé, Château Mouton Rothschild comprises 84 hectares (207 acres) of vines at Pauillac in the Médoc, planted with the varieties typical of the region: Cabernet Sauvignon (83%), Merlot (14%) and Cabernet Franc (3%). This First Growth benefits from exceptionally favourable natural conditions, in the quality of the soil, the position of its


Robert Parker: Anteile am ” The Wine Advocate” verkauft
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 11. December 2012 06:49

Sigi Hiss – Robert Parker & sein „The Wine Advocate“ gehen den Weg in die Zukunft nicht mehr alleine. Es wurden substanzielle Anteile an 3 asiatische Investoren verkauft, welche die finanzielle Leitung übernehmen sollen. Namen der 3 sind nicht publiziert worden. Neuer Geschäftssitz der Publikation wird Singapur werden. Als neue Chefredakteurin wird Lisa Perrotti-Brown MW die Publikation fungieren. Robert Parker betont, dass er Mitbesitzer und CEO bleiben wird.

Umgestellt wird wohl auch die mediale Form des „The Wine Advocate“ werden. Von der reinen Printausgabe geht man den Weg hin zu einer Art Email-Newsletter für die rund 50.000 Abonnenten. Über den Amazon-Store wird es zusätzlich dazu noch eine Kindleversion geben. Anzeigenfrei bleibt der Wine Advocate auch nicht mehr, es soll Werbung geschaltet werden können. Jedoch keine von Weingütern oder Wein-Vertriebsorganisationen.

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