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Yves Beck: Nachmittgagstalk mit Star-Blogger Dirk Würtz
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 05. December 2012 16:45

Sind Sie auch schon dem Ausdruck «Web 2.0» begegnet ohne zu wissen, was das soll? Haben Sie sich auch schon gefragt, ob Sie bei dieser «Social-Media-Sache» dabei sein müssen? Ist Ihnen auch nicht ganz klar, was «bloggen» ist?

Dann müssen Sie sich unbedingt den Nachmittag des 12. Dezember reservieren. Auf Einladung meiner Firma Globalbeck Services GmbH wird nämlich Dirk Würtz über genau diese Themen sprechen. Und mehr! Denn Dirk gehört zu den Urgesteinen in Sachen «Wein im Internet


decanter.com: Inside the First Growths Part 2
Img_3280-klein_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 05. December 2012 09:29

Power in unityFirst Growths, Bordeaux First Growths, . I did not want to write a standard history of the estates, in which each was treated separately. I wanted to write an overview linking all five, to understand the moments when they became more powerful by working together and to trace some of the more difficult moments in their histories. It was going to be a delicate political dance.

I considered including all first growths of Bordeaux – which means also Châteaux d’Yquem, Ausone, Cheval Blanc and Pétrus – but the book would have become unwieldy in terms of size, and the stories of the other châteaux were not linked in the same way. Until the 19th century, Left Bank and Right Bank Bordeaux were different worlds, without even a bridge across the


decanter.com: Montalcino rallies round as Soldera’s Brunellos are destroyed
Passfoto_zoom3_icon From Franz Aregger, at 05. December 2012 09:27

by Kerin O’Keefe -  Vandals have destroyed thousands of litres of ageing Brunello in the cellars of cult producer Gianfranco Soldera.Soldera cellar

The cellars at Soldera’s Case Basse estate in Montalcino were broken into and the taps opened on all of his Brunello barrels, draining the every litre of vintages from 2007 to 2012 – more than 600 hectolitres (60,000 litres) of ageing wine. No bottles, nor any valuables were taken or damaged.

Most observers assume this was a personal attack on Soldera (pictured), one of the most outspoken Brunello producers and a staunch advocate of the rule that allows only 100% Sangiovese in the blend.


decanter.com: Inside the First Growths: Part 1
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 05. December 2012 07:19

by Jane Anson – Decanter’s Bordeaux correspondent, Jane Anson, followed the five Bordeaux legendslegendsestates for a year, enjoying privileged access to compile the first ever book on their history and modus operandi. Here, she gives a unique insight into the ties that bind these legendary châteaux.

The invitation that landed in my letterbox sometime in March came from a new sommelier school to be opened later this year by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) of Bordeaux. It was to a dinner, which was being held to officially announce the new school, at the Salon Bleu, in the 18th century headquarters of the CCI on Place de la Bourse in the town centre.
The name would have meant nothing to most of the invitees, but


decanter.com: Bordeaux launches winemaker and estate matchmaking service
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 05. December 2012 07:14

by Jane Anson in Bordeaux -  The Bordeaux government is launching a new initiative to match young winemakers looking to buy their first estate with properties owned by older winemakers approaching retirement. The plans come from the French national land agency, SAFER, together with the Ministry of Agriculture in the Gironde: the idea is to help the estimated 1,000 vineyard owners who are over 55 and do not have a succession plan in place.


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