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decanter.com: FBI defends Kurniawan house search
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 15. November 2012 09:49

by Chris Mercer – The US Justice Department has accused Rudy Kurniawan of attemptingkurniawan to suppress evidence and has filed a motion defending its search of the alleged wine fraudster’s home.

Justice Department lawyers said in a court memorandum that an initial ‘sweep’ of Kurniawan’s house was justified, despite having not received an official search warrant at the time.

Kurniawan, who was indicted on charges of selling counterfeit fine wine, as well as mail and wire fraud in May, told a US District Court in New York that FBI officers entered his home illegally and violated his Fourth Amendment rights.

In a filing to the court, justice officials defended their action based on precedent, the possibility of other people in the house destroying evidence and because the agents on the scene acted in good faith.


decanter.com: Haut Brion finally buys neighbouring property
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 14. November 2012 09:09

by Adam Lechmere – Domaine Clarence Dillon, owner of Chateau Haut-Brion, has bought a property neighbouring the renowned Graves first growth.Allary haut brion

Domaine de la Passion Haut Brion is a 1.5-hectare parcel of vines situated in the heart of the Haut Brion vineyard.
From 1954 to 1978, the property bottled under its own name under agreement with the Haut Brion team, but when in 1978 a law was passed prohibiting two chateau wines being bottled under the same roof, the agreement was changed and for the past 30 years, the grapes – 60% Cabernet Franc and 40% Cabernet Sauvignon – have been going into Haut Brion wines.

In 2006 the Allary family took back control of their vineyard. According to Clive Coates in a 2010 Decanter article they rejected an offer from Haut Brion for the land.

In 2009 owner Michel Allary, then living in Paris and in his early 90s, started producing his own wine, with consultant Stephane Derenoncourt, releasing


Erfolgskonzept ProWein wird nach China exportiert: Neue Messe „ProWine China“ ab 2013 in Shanghai
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 14. November 2012 07:43

Die Messe Düsseldorf Gruppe, Veranstalter der Leitmesse ProWein, und China International Exhibitions, Mitglied von Allworld Exhibitions und Veranstalter der FHC China, beschließen Kooperation.

Die mit der Durchführung der äußerst erfolgreichen ProWine Tasting Zone zur FHC China 2012 gestartete Zusammenarbeit wird ab 2013 vertieft. Zum ersten Mal findet die ProWine China vom 13. bis 15. November 2013 im Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) statt. Die Messe wird jedes Jahr räumlich und terminlich parallel zur FHC China realisiert und richtet sich an Fachbesucher aus ganz China. Vertragspartner sind die Messe Düsseldorf Shanghai und China International Exhibitions, ein Mitglied des Allworld Exhibitions Network. Sie werden die ProWine China in partnerschaftlicher Zusammenarbeit organisieren und durchführen.


Successful ProWein Concept is exported to China: New Trade Fair “ProWine China” in Shanghai from 2013
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 14. November 2012 07:40

Messe Düsseldorf Group, Organiser of the Leading fair ProWein, and China International Exhibitions, a member of Allworld Exhibitions and Organiser of FHC China, agree Cooperation.

The collaboration launched with the extremely successful ProWine Tasting Zone at FHC China 2012 is now to be exceeded as from 2013. 13 to 15 November 2013 will see ProWine China held for the first time now, at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC). The trade fair will be held every year in parallel to FHC China in terms of dates and location and will be aimed at trade visitors from throughout China. The contractual partners here are Messe Düsseldorf Shanghai and China International Exhibitions a member of Allworld Exhibitions Network. They will organise and hold ProWine China cooperating in partnership.


Spanien Trophy 2012: Marcel Heid erhält Auszeichnung zum Top-Sommelier für spanische Weine
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 14. November 2012 07:35

Am 5. November 2012 hieß es für Sommeliers und Restaurantleiter verkosten und überzeugen. ICEX – Wein aus Spanien und der Meininger Verlag luden zum Finale der SPANIEN TROPHY 2012 nach Neustadt an der Weinstraße, wo sich die fünf größten Spanienexperten einen Wettkampf auf höchstem Niveau lieferten. Mit seiner Genauigkeit und erstklassigen Präsentation von Wein- & Speisenkombinationen setze sich der junge Restaurantleiter MARCEL HEID gegen seine hochkarätigen Mitstreiter durch. Platz zwei und drei gingen an die Sommeliers PIETRO D´ALTO und JAN W. BUHRMANN.


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