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decanter.com: Chinese fake bottle cache not Chateau Lafite
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 09. November 2012 09:24

by Jane Anson -The house where 10,000 bottles of fake Domaines Barons de Rothschildchina, chinese wine, chinese fake wine, fake wine, (Lafite) wines were found had been under surveillance by Chinese police for some

time. The huge cache of bottles, believed to be forgeries, was found in an empty house in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province that had been under surveillance by the local law enforcement agencies, and was known about by the DBR lawyers.

Contrary to reports in the Chinese media, there were no bottles of Chateau Lafite Rothschild itself – but large quantities of the company’s DBR Collection brands, which include Légends, Saga, and Réserve Spéciale.

The police have questioned the owner of the house, a Mr Zou, although


decanter.com: Work starts in earnest on Mosel Bridge
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 07. November 2012 09:31

by Adam Lechmere – Work on the hugely controversial Mosel bridge has re-started, to the dismay of a vocal band of dedicated protesters.mosel work

Mosel Bridge: ‘a folly’

The Hochmoselübergang (Upper Mosel Crossing), whose centrepiece is a 1.7km, 10-column bridge 158m tall, was first mooted in 1968, as a link between US bases in the region during the Cold War.

Since then the project has been taken up and dropped by successive political parties, finally being approved in March last year as the result of a deal between the Green party and the Social Democrats (SPD) in Rhineland-Pfalz.

The decision was bitterly disappointing to campaigners led by the Pro-Mosel alliance, which include Hugh Johnson and Jancis Robinson MW in the UK, wine writer Stuart Pigott, and renowned producers Ernst Loosenand Katharina Prüm, as well as some 40 other producers.


decanter.com: Sylvie Cazes to leave Pichon, UGC
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 07. November 2012 09:29

by Jane Anson in Bordeaux -  Sylvie Cazes, president of the Union des Grands Crus de sylvie-cazesBordeaux and co-owner of Chateau Lynch Bages, will be stepping down from her role as director of Chateau Pichon Comtesse de Lalande, it was announced yesterday.

‘No regrets’: Sylvie Cazes

Cazes took on the role in February 2011, taking over from long-time director Gildas d’Ollone on his retirement. A letter was sent out this week from Pichon Comtesse owner Frédéric Rouzaud to the chateaux’s key clients explaining that Cazes would be leaving to concentrate on her other commitments within Bordeaux – she remains on the advisory board for Lynch-Bages, and works as a councillor in the Bordeaux local government, where she is a key part of the


Rueda wächst flächenmäßig und begrüßt neue Bodegas
Noimage_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 07. November 2012 09:25

2012 beläuft sich die registrierte Anbaufläche in der D.O. auf 12.826 Hektar. Auf die Verdejo, die autochthone Hauptrebsorte der Rueda Appellation, enfallen dabei 10.255 Hektar. 92 Prozent der Verdejo-Reben werden auf Drahtrahmen erzogen, so dass die Maschinenernte möglich ist. In diesem Jahr war ein Zuwachs der Anbaufläche von 242 Hektar zu verzeichnen. Diese Vergrößerung der Fläche an sich sowie die 1.000 Hektar neuer Pflanzungen, die in den letzten fünf Jahren erfolgt waren, trugen auch zum Produktionsanstieg in diesem Jahr teil.

Ebenfalls in diesem Jahr sind zwei neue Weingüter der Appellation Rueda beigetreten: Bodegas Hugad in Serrada (Valladolid) und Bodegas Herrero Vedel in Nieva (Segovia). Hinzu kommen zwei neue Abfüller: Selección de Torres in Villafranca de Duero (Valladolid) und Bodegas Pinord in Rueda (Valladolid).

Alle Bodegas finden Sie hier: www.dorueda.com/de/bodegas-und-marken

Abschluss der Rekord-Lese 2012: 78 Millionen Kilo Trauben eingeholt
Passfoto_zoom3_icon From Franz Aregger, at 07. November 2012 09:24

In etwas mehr als zwei Wochen zum neuen Bestwert: Exakt 78.049.582 wurden in diesem Jahr zwischen dem 30. August und 17. Oktober gelesen. Mit über 65 Millionen Kilo Trauben macht dabei die Verdejo den Löwenanteil aus, rund vier Millionen Kilo entfallen auf die Sauvignon Blanc.

„Der Regen kam genau zum richtigen Zeitpunkt,“ sagte Ramón Bocos, Direktor


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