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Kellerei Terlan nutzt verstärkt digitale Marketingkanäle
Img_3280-klein_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 14. November 2012 07:33

Die Arbeit in den Weinbergen des Anbaugebiets um Terlan ist getan, die Ernte eingefahren. Damit der produzierte Wein später erfolgreich abgesetzt werden kann, ist kontinuierliches Marketing unerlässlich. „Die globale Weinwelt verändert sich und mit ihr die Wege zum Kunden. Mit unserer Online-Offensive bewegen wir uns in diese Richtung“, sagt der Verkaufsleiter der Kellerei Terlan, Klaus Gasser. Sie besteht aus einer neuen Homepage, einer verstärkten Präsenz in Sozialen Netzwerken und den Einsatz von QR-Codes auf allen Weinflaschen.Durch die technologischen Entwicklungen der letzten Jahre hat sich die Marketingarbeit für Betriebe radikal verändert. Vor diesem Hintergrund stellte das Vertriebs- und Marketingteam der Kellerei Terlan die Weichen neu: „Wir überlegten uns, wie wir die Kellerei in eine neue Ära führen können, die unserem Qualitätsdenken, das wir in allen Bereichen verfolgen, entspricht“, sagt Gasser.


The highly-coloured graphic universe of Pierre Clerk on display at Château Canon La Gaffelière
Img_3280-klein_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 14. November 2012 07:30

As a natural complement to the Pompidou Mobile exhibition taking place from 24 October 2012 to 20 January 2013 in Libourne, and in the Framework of Un Château, Une OEuvre circuit, Château Canon La Gaffelière is hosting the works of Pierre Clerk, a contemporary Canadian artist inspired by Picasso, Mondrian, and Matisse.

Born in Atlanta (USA) in 1928, Pierre Clerk has travelled around the world to enrich his experiences. This prolific cosmopolitan artist divides his time between New York and France’s Lot-et-Garonne department.


decanter.com: Prince Charles offered the legendary Penfolds 1962 Bin 60A
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 12. November 2012 10:10

by Adam Lechmere – The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall have sampled one of Australia’s greatest wines – the legendary Penfolds 1962 Bin 60A Coonawarra Prince Charles and CamillaCabernet Kalimna Shiraz.

‘They loved it’: Premier Jay Weatherill, the Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Charles and Peter Gago

The couple, along with South Australia Premier Jay Weatherill, visited Penfolds Magill winery today as part of their six day visit to Australia to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.

Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall inspected the vineyards with Penfolds chief winemaker Peter Gago, who then poured them a glass of the ultra-rare 1962 Bin 60A.

Only 5,100 bottles of this experimental cuvée were made by Penfolds then-winemaker Max Schubert; it went on to win some 19 trophies and be hailed as a classic by the great Californian winemaker André Tchelistcheff, and many others.


decanter.com: Montrose’s Glumineau takes over Roederer Bordeaux operation
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 12. November 2012 10:06

by Jane Anson in Bordeaux – Nicolas Glumineau, formerly of Chateau Montrose, is taking over the running of Roederer’s Bordeaux estates after the departure of Sylvie Nicolas GlumineauCazes last week.

Glumineau, 38 (pictured), has been chief operations officer at Chateau Montrose, the renowned St Estephe second growth, since 2007, and has previously worked at both Chateau Haut-Brion and Chateau Margaux.

He will now have overall responsibility for all the Louis Roederer Bordeaux properties – Chateau Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande, Chateau de Pez, Chateau Haut Beauséjour and Chateau Bernadotte.

Glumineau leaves the Bouygues-owned Montrose after a highly successful run of vintages, and with a new managing director, Hervé Berland, formerly of Chateau Mouton Rothschild, installed since April.

He will begin at Roederer on 19 November. Cazes is due to step down on 31 December.


decanter.com: California 2012 ‘outstanding’
Passfoto_zoom3_icon From Franz Aregger, at 12. November 2012 10:04

by Richard Woodard – Winemakers in California are hailing the 2012 harvest as ‘outstanding’, with early estimates suggesting it could be a near-record crop at 3.7m tons.
That’s about 12% up on last year’s small harvest and comes in sharp contrast with trends on the other side of the Atlantic, where poor weather has led to an historically small crop in many European countries.


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