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decanter.com: Jean-Guillaume Prats to leave Cos d’Estournel
Img_3280-klein_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 20. October 2012 07:59

by Jane Anson in Bordeaux, and Adam Lechmere – Jean-Guillaume Prats, the director of Chateau Cos d’Estournel, is leaving the chateau that is so closely associated with Jean-Guillaume Pratshis name.

Jean-Guillaume Prats: ‘New challenge’ [Image: Colin Hampden-White, greatestwinemakers.com]

Michel Reybier, the owner of the celebrated St Estephe second growth, sent a letter to Bordeaux négociants today, Monday, announcing that as of January 2013, Prats will be leaving to take on a ‘new professional challenge’.

Reybier’s letter says, ‘I want to thank him as well as the whole team of Cos d’Estournel, for the excellent job done all these years, and wish him every success for the future.’

Prats will remain at Cos to oversee the 2012 harvest, before handing over to Reybier and his long-term collaborator Christophe Ranger.


decanter.com: Domaine Sainte Rose to make wine in Kent
Img_3280-klein_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 15. October 2012 07:31

by Jane Anson in Bordeaux -The English owners of Domaine Sainte Rose in Languedoc-Sainte RoseRoussillon are to return to their British roots with the purchase of 90 acres of land near Canterbury and the Kent coast.

The Simpsons at Sainte Rose: ‘a great time to be investing in English wine’

Ruth and Charles Simpson, who bought DomaineSainte Rose in 2002, have now bought farmland in Kent which is currently being used for an arable crop rotation, but which was found in a survey by Stephen Skelton MW to be well suited for viticulture.

Ruth Simpson told Decanter.com they will not plant vines until 2014. ‘[We will] explore our options in terms of clones and rootstock, and…assemble the right team.’ Current plans are to plant the traditional Champagne varieties of Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier to focus on mainly sparkling wines, but Simpson is making no final decisions yet. ‘As more and more people produce quality sparkling wines in England, we must be certain we are creating a point of difference.’


Zufriedenstellende Weinlese in Hessen
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 15. October 2012 07:22

Das wechselhafte Wetter hat den hessischen Winzern in diesem Jahr zu schaffen gemacht. ie Erträge liegen bei durchschnittlich 70 Hektoliter je Hektar und damit etwas unter dem langjährigen Durchschnittswert. Im Vorjahr hatten die Winzer noch rund 10 Hektoliter mehr eingefahren.


decanter.com: Chateau Coutet launches ‘Opalie’ dry white
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 11. October 2012 08:53

by Marisa D’Vari -Barsac first growth Château Coutet is to release a dry white wine. Coutet Opalie du Chateau Coutetis launching 3,000 bottles of Opalie de Château Coutet 2010.

It follows in the footsteps of Yquem’s longstanding ‘Y‘ and Château Suduiraut’s S de Suduiraut in the ranks of first classified growth Sauternes estates producing dry whites.

Sauternes wine sales have been under pressure and other recent innovation includes Suduiraut’s Les Lions de Suduiraut, aimed at younger drinkers.

‘Our objective was to create a truly terroir-based wine,’ Aline Baly, Château Coutet’s co-owner, told Decanter.com.


«Zürich schenkt ein!» am 5. & 6. November 2012 Zürcher Weine das erste Mal zu Gast im Expovina WeinForum
Img_3280-klein_icon From Peter Niederhauser, at 11. October 2012 08:50

Zum ersten Mal präsentieren sich die Zürcher Weine anlässlich der Zürcher Weinausstellung Expovina einem breiteren Publikum. Am 5. & 6. November 2012 können die Expovina-Besucher im WeinForum ein feines Angebot von Zürcher Weinen entdecken und degustieren.
Darunter sind Topbetriebe aus dem ganzen Kanton, so zum Beispiel das Weingut Pircher aus Eglisau oder das Weingut Schwarzenbach aus Meilen. Es wird ein vielseitiges Programm rund um das Thema «Stein & Wein» geboten, welches sowohl Fachleute als auch alle Weingeniesser anspricht. Während zwei Tagen sind die Winzerinnen und Winzer persönlich anwesend, weil es ihnen am Herzen liegt, den Menschen der Region zu zeigen, was in ihren, oftmals unterschätzten Weinen, wirklich steckt.


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