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decanter.com: Online wine sales to double over five years, says economist
Passfoto_zoom3_icon From Franz Aregger, at 11. October 2012 08:23

by Adam Lechmere – Grocery sales in convenience and discount stores and online will increase massively over the next five years, creating radical new challenges for theHoward Davies drinks business, a leading retail economist said yesterday.

Speaking at the annual Wine and Spirit Trade Association (WSTA) conference in London yesterday, James Walton, chief economist at the Institute of Grocery Distribution (IGD), predicted online sales would double from £5.6bn in the year to April 2012, to £11.1bn in 2017.

Convenience stores such as small community supermarkets like Tesco Metro would increase by 28.5%, and discount stores such as Aldi and Lidl would increase by 64.7% from £7.5bn today to £12.4bn in 2017.

As consumers’ actual spending power has fallen by around 5-6%, effective pricing and promotional activity will be a priority for the retailer and supplier, followed by supply chain efficiency, and the need to understand the consumer better.

Walton said online shopping is a ‘quiet revolution’ which the


Vinum: Ticino Festival 2012 in Basel
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 11. October 2012 08:16

VINUM holt das Tessin nach Basel! Am Montag, 29. Oktober 2012, präsentieren wir Ihnen erstmals im Congress Center Basel 46 Top-Kellereien aus dem Tessin.

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decanter.com: Barbaresco winemaker Angelo Rocca dies
Profil_webnwine_marcel_icon From Marcel Merz, at 10. October 2012 08:13

by Kerin O’Keefe – Celebrated Barbaresco wine producer Angelo Rocca has died in a plane crash.angelo rocca Celebrated Barbaresco wine producer Angelo Rocca, of the family firm Albino Rocca, has died in a plane crash.

Rocca, 64, was piloting his own light plane not far from the Piedmont city of Alessandria when his plane crashed into a field just metres from the A21 Highway.

According to reports, there was dense fog yesterday in the area at the time of the crash, although the exact reasons for the accident are unknown. Rocca’s companion, Carmen Mazza, also perished in the accident.

Albino Rocca’s lauded Barbarescos, Ronchi, Ovello Vigna Loreto and Vigneto Brich Ronchi Riserva, are some of the most acclaimed in the denomination.


Im Krokodilsgewand für die Festtage – Piper-Heidsiecks limitierte Special Edition geht unter die Haut
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 26. September 2012 12:29

Hochwertig, mondän und ein klein wenig exzentrisch: So präsentiert sich die limitierte Skin Special Edition von Piper-Heidsieck. Die für den Produzenten charakteristische Verbindung aus Tradition und Moderne spiegelt sich in der exklusiven Red Skin und Rosé Skin Sonderedition wider: Während sich in der Flasche mit Champagner Brut beziehungsweise Rosé Sauvage vielfach ausgezeichnete Spitzenqualität befindet, umgibt sie von außen eine täuschend echte Krokodillederimitation in intensivem Rot oder Pink.


The 2012 vintage in Emilia Romagna: the situation in the various areas
Passfoto_zoom3_icon From Franz Aregger, at 26. September 2012 12:26

The white grapes are already being vinified, whereas the harvest for the reds is just starting. The rain over the last few weeks has finally given some moisture to the vines and there are now ideal temperatures for ripening the grapes completely.

The anticyclone that has brought the sunshine back to the vineyards of Italy is called Bacchus, like the god of wine and of the harvest. After the rains that brought a little relief to vines exhausted by the record-breaking temperatures of this summer, growers are returning to their vineyards to begin picking Lambrusco Salamino and the red grape varieties of the area around Piacenza in Emilia and to carry on with harvesting Albana and Sangiovese in Romagna. The hope is that significant differences between day- and night-time temperatures will allow the grapes to ripen fully, because in many zones the vines are considerably stressed following the seven anticyclones that – from June to early September -frequently took thermometers over 35°C (95°F), with less than 50 mm (2 in.) of rainfall.


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