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VDP Baden: Lange Nacht der Weinkeller
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 26. September 2012 11:09

Nach dem großen Zuspruch der ‘Langen Nacht der Weinkeller’ des VDP.Baden in 2010 wird es auch in diesem Jahr wieder eine Lange Nacht geben.
Am 1. Dezember 2012 werden in der Zeit zwischen 18 bis 24 Uhr die Weingüter Markgraf von Baden (Schloss Staufenberg, Durbach), Freiherr von und zu Franckenstein (Fam. Huschle, Offenburg) und Stadt Lahr ( Fam. Wöhrle, Lahr)ihre Keller öffnen.
Alle 18 Weingüter des VDP Baden werden in dieser Nacht in diesen 3 Betrieben eine kleine Auswahl ihrer Weine zeigen. 


decanter.com: Cru Bourgeois may add hierarchy to list
Passfoto_zoom3_icon From Franz Aregger, at 24. September 2012 11:15

by Adam Lechmere -The Cru Bourgeois Alliance is planning to introduce two or three new levels into its annual listing – possibly for the 2012 vintage.Bordeaux vineyard

The new listing for the 2010 vintage has just been announced, with 260 chateaux from eight appellations included, compared with 246 for the 2009 vintage.

As with the previous two years the list, which is reviewed annually, is flat: a property is classed as Cru Bourgeois with no hierarchy of quality.

The Alliance des Crus Bourgeois du Médoc has said before that it constantly reviews its system, which was finally ratified in 2008 after several years of controversy resulting from the annulment of the 2003 classification. Now Alliance president Frédéric de Luze says there are one or two changes that might be introduced.


decanter.com: Patrick Sandeman dies in skydiving accident
Passfoto_zoom3_icon From Franz Aregger, at 24. September 2012 11:13

by Adam Lechmere – Patrick Sandeman, one of London’s most respected wine merchants, has been killed in a freak skydiving accident.Patrick Sandeman

‘Great company’: Patrick Sandeman

Sandeman, one half of the multi-award-winning London wine merchants Lea and Sandeman, was an experienced skydiver. He apparently collided with another skydiver 50 feet from the ground, which caused both parachutes to collapse.

Despite the efforts of paramedics he died at the scene, while the other skydiver, a 28-year-old Frenchman who has not yet been named, remains in a serious condition with spinal injuries.


decanter.com: French fear ‘chateau’ may be allowed on non-estate imports
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 24. September 2012 11:10

by Jane Anson in Bordeaux – French wine producers are preparing a defence against the chateau signpossibility the EU may allow US imported wines to be called chateau or clos.

Writing on the wall? EU to rule on use of ‘château’ on imports

The decision will be taken as part of a wider meeting on Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reforms at the European Parliament in Brussels on 25 September.

French producers say that allowing American wine producers to sell


Heitz Vineyards: New Release – 2007 Cabernet Sauvignon “Napa Valley”
Sigi_hiss_kopf_lachend_icon From Sigi Hiss, at 24. September 2012 11:07

There is always excitement in the air as we say farewell to the joys of summer and look forward to the promise of a bountiful harvest. We are delighted to share our latest 2007 Cabernet Sauvignon releases. We have always believed it takes time to produce Cabernets that are truly polished and well-integrated, and we think you will agree these wines are worth the wait!

New Release


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